by Johnny McNeill – unpublished author of ‘Gaslighting Gilligan‘ (© 2017 – free download – released via Berlin on 25th June 2017)

“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human”. Aldous Huxley.

Similarly to this piece on racist redlining housing policies in the US, a psychological and emotionally driven perception partitioning of truth is taking place in UK and across global western ‘democracies’ today, in regards to the domestic abuse agenda; by film, TV soaps, current affairs & magazine discussion narratives which are almost exclusively reinforced to portray female victims of violent male perpetrators. This is despite the fact that men currently and consistently have comprised a full third @1inthree of overall domestic violence victims in UK and Australia for some years…

“The most powerful form of lie is the omission”. Orwell

But of course to question the one-sided ‘all men evil’ & ‘all women victims’ domestic abuse narrative would require us all to question everything we hold to be true. Well, you should. Because like it or not, things are about to become very clear and indeed, very messy.

However the UK State (& beyond) have gone even further by deliberately manipulating Crown Prosecution Service statistics of instances of abuse reported by men – who are already approximately three times less likely to report their abuse than their female victim counterparts – to now interpret online harassment as ‘assaults’ against women, in order to inflate the Dark Triad agenda.

Darker still, is the practice of incorporating and absorbing the reported incidences committed against men withinViolence Against Women and Girls‘ reports which provide the complicit mainstream media with the ammunition necessary to drive popular opinion and therefore political support for domestic abuse policies – for a precedented purpose.

Always read the small print; ‘INCLUSIVE OF DATA ON MEN AND BOYS‘.

This UK and international scandal of Orwellian proportions under the guise of the UN’s ‘Istanbul Convention’ is a global lie that a truly independent media capable of speaking truth to power – would eat its proponents for breakfast. But the thing is; the ‘news’ and ‘entertainment’ broadcast media are the public-facing mask of the power.

The home, run by the Bon Secours Sisters, a Catholic religious order of nuns, received unmarried pregnant women to give birth’. The Guardian (2017).

Because despite the available evidence these ‘statistics’, this ‘reality’ reported by the mainstream ‘news’ is made to bleed and feed into the soaps narrative – creating a false phenomenological experience; a “toxic-masculinity” pseudo-reality which has no more basis in fact than Iraq WMD did – all delivered as our ‘unquestionable truths’ behind closed doors where ‘domestic abuse‘ is most at home. Only in this case it’s coming into your living-room via your television set.

This inability to question the narrative is leading to the toxic empowerment of so-called feminism which is simultaneously reinforced by reams of Hollywood blockbuster films depicting women regularly beating the crap out of – and normalising – violence against men.

This all-enveloping lethal film and TV soap script mutually reinforced by cyclical ‘news’ bulletins has normalised mass-misandry to create an ‘acceptable’ form of identity politics, that would be called out as bigotry if it were directed towards any other demographic. It has been reinforced too by the occasionally ridiculous fake gender-war and fuels it with selective data gathering, continuous interruptions to prevent counter-point flow and also “words building bridges in unexplored regions” with the repetition of ‘misogynistic hate crime’ and with dark, hidden subliminal messaging in full view – watch how the Sky presenter hypothetically personalises a rape scenario from her own pretext set up; an evocative guilt-shaming strategy used to emotionalise and destabilise valid debate; like this example too.

All of this is of course reinforced with genuine misogynistic-mileage and a recycle-conveyor belt of evil men – such as the largely unheard of Harvey Weinstein who has now become a household name.

All for the purposes of the agenda that’s telling boys and men by guilt-empathy association that they too are ‘PreCrime’ potential misogynist-rapists; that they too are evil – unless of course they’re saturated in a yellow-uniform of the emergency services recurrent ‘re-emasculating’ media reinforced theme since Westminster Bridge of “heroes running towards the danger”.

And so male victims who do not suit the recruitment agenda narrative and so are given sporadic, periodical and intermittent ‘lip-service’ (however also note how Andrew Neil brings the male victim segment to a close by reinforcing males as perpetrators).

“We have cut the links between child and parent, between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

This why the male-victim truths are not given the same cyclical-repetition coverage because the UK State doesn’t want to acknowledge them, which is why men have negligible resources to turn to for help. It’s deliberate.

By corrosively fostering the sense of internalised shame to Invalidate, Isolate and Emasculate men within their own minds and as a demographic-class, the same global western elite estate vassals then pay further gaslight lip-service to the male suicide epidemic and as I’ve ‘predicted’ in the book (which I first put out from Berlin on 25th June 2017) would afford themselves the faux-concern pretext to plant the seed of male mental health issues through media-conditioning (and prestige association) to become conflated with the military.

And therefore subliminally informing a generation of young men who are about to be starved of economic opportunity employment choice due to the effects of austerity – which is nothing more than economic-apartheid propaganda – to result in a similar mass financial-physiological deprivation.

Austerity propaganda is the contemporary equivalent of ‘The Versailles Treaty’ which emasculated an entire generation of patriots that resulted in the Nazi war machine; into which the emasculated men were too ‘welcomed with open arms’ to find acceptance and belonging in an ideologically-idolised military as “intelligent patriots” steeped in fascistic militarised victimhood.

The ‘Dark Triad‘ model for #GlobalFascism; for the drill-down division of western societies and defeat of Anglosphere democracies by mass induced depression and by identity-politics demographics – especially by #GenderAgenda.

All to keep feeding the current phase of the 100 Year Imperial Oil War.

“Power is tearing human minds to pieces, then putting them together again in shapes of your own choosing”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

And yet it’s all so invisibly vast because it’s been normalised by media drip-fed redlining. I mean, who knew fascism was a propaganda construct waged upon ordinary people by the elite controlled media of the day? It’s not like it should be fucking ‘news’ to anyone anywhere in the world in the 21st century…


“Writing fiction is the act of weaving a series of lies to arrive at a greater truth”. Khaled Hosseini.

#NarcissistFascist characteristics

‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ – by Johnny McNeill, a contemporary, dystopian ‘fiction’ about the intrinsic, interconnectedness of personal & political domestic abuse, is free to download from here. It is copyright © but is free to share as a public service.

Twitter: @GasGilligan