by Johnny McNeill – unpublished author of ‘Gaslighting Gilligan‘ (© 2017 – free download – released via Berlin on 25th June 2017).

Outline: The British construct cannot exist without adversity; internal or external, or without an enemy; real or imagined. Which is why it creates them – to toxically ‘galvanise’ a fabricated ‘stoic-victim’ identity, which explains why we ‘children’ will always be at war with someone until we break the UK aristocrat-engineered cycles of our own indoctrinated destruction, which can only come to an end from within the English working classes upon whom, the privileged British elite have again declared war through political policies and corporate propaganda…

Like many Scots and Welsh independence and Irish unity supporters, I used to think of ‘land borders’ and perceiving each of the respective countries to be the last of the British Imperial receding colonies, having of course been the first to be colonised.

But through the journey of ‘Gaslighting Gilligan‘ I view this differently now…

The last colony to be freed of the British establishment elite is indeed the first colonised, but that first colonisation remains where it ever was; firmly ear-worm birth-embedded within the normalised pre/adolescent-indoctrinated and emotionalised compliance-conditioned minds of honest, proud yet increasingly impoverished, debt and depression induced working-class Englishmen and women.

Because counter-intuitively, it’s these very same indoctrinated and normalised class-war factors in which “the art of Conservative politics” as Aneurin Bevan asked, that has from the playground persuaded poverty to keep wealth in power by induced #PatrioticPoverty.

Children across UK schools sing ‘The’ National Anthem Live on Good Morning Britain: broadcast 9th Sept 2015; “If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it”. Edward Bernays, 1928

They have been taught rote that God, Englishness – and by extension Britishness, the Union flag, Monarchy and the military were their very being, their very soul. This has been inculcated via a deliberately indivisible ‘single-identity entity’ reflection of themselves, to be angrily sealed within a world that the Machiavellian UK aristocracy wanted the working classes to see but most significantly needed them to feel.

All of which has been driven by a toxically insecure patriotism housed in an emotionally entitled ‘stand-alone’ stoicism needed to manufacture a simultaneous ‘Schrodinger slave’ mentality and a ‘superiority-persecution complex’ steeped in a cyclically ‘normalised’ militarised-exceptionalism.

This inter-generational cradle-to-grave conditioning by top-down propaganda projected engineering to result in this single ‘British identity’ brings with it the self-righteous ingredients for war, which just like my #DarkTriad Model for Fascism (© 2017 – page 88 in the book)…

…you should try to think of ‘It‘ – this manipulated ‘identity‘ and manufactured ‘reality‘ as music, which isn’t simply meant to be seen or heard but felt; so that a slight against any single string in the piece, is an affront to the entire orchestra playing to the gallery and by push and pull emotional-behavioural, psychosocial-engineered associationperceived as an attack on oneself.

“Fascism is coming; probably a slimy Anglicised form of Fascism, with cultured policemen instead of Nazi gorillas and the lion and the unicorn instead of the swastika.” Orwell, ‘The Road to Wigan Pier’.

It’s a representation played out in sci-fi films all too often whereby the powerful robot is preprogrammed to ensure it can’t harm its weaker yet manipulative Machiavellian master; achieved by a psycho-societal ‘hive-mind’ or ‘herd-mentality’ programming for the masses achieved through the normalisation of life-long#PatrioticProgramming: Toddler to Teenager to Tabloidhood (The Rubber Hand Illusion).

We’re like broken children growing up with abusive narcissistic parents but knowing no better, we still love and accept their ‘reality’ as our perennial-warring normality. But it isn’t ‘normal‘. Far from it. Yet because of this programming we are unwittingly compelled to perpetuate the toxic cycle of war.

“To see what is in front of ones nose needs a constant struggle”. Orwell

We collectively are broken ‘children’ (as the adults are in the book) because far from being the benevolent, charitable Britain we’ve been indoctrinated to perceive, the reality of the British condition has in fact been a genocidal blight on humanity which without intervention, without a global-ASBO of sorts, it is highly unlikely we’ll ever be released from being lap-dog to American imperialism which as a replica of the British pseudo-religion, is a blight which came from and so can only come to an end from within the English working classes.

Because given the lies, the coup d’etat that is Brexit, there might just be a slim possibility they too wake up to try and take their own independence from Westminster and in doing so, deliver these isles and the globe from the Atlantic Bridged ‘Special Relationship’ fascist-aristocrat elite-estate.

In the meantime the honest working men and women of England, as do we in Scotland and Wales, remain gripped in the grasping power of the Westminster corporate-government ‘Corpolitique‘ elite – as we all continue to pay a heavy price for this ‘single identity’ – having never not known war.

“Shall I tell you a terrible truth about politics and human nature and the way we live our lives? You can probably make a good case for almost any course of action.” Boris Johnson (2013)

Relentlessly propaganda reinforced through corporate media entertainment and TV advertising, it’s an identity that’s so pre/adolescent hard-wired to be so subconsciously ‘British‘ that its most faithful UK-acolytes across the political spectrum are consciously incapable of having any sense of self – without superiorly comparing themselves to the ‘other’.

However superficial superiority is inescapably victimhood-steeped in their own unacknowledged genocidal-conquest over the ‘other’ – whom they occasionally label “ungrateful“, or dismissively Monarch-wave a practiced back-handed ‘compliment’ with condescending ‘grown-up’ overtones aimed at the gaslight-vanquished who are told to just “get over it”; to ‘get over’ this ‘British‘ past for which there’s never been a collective Anglo-centric, remorseful reflective ‘Vergangenheitsbewaltigung‘ visitation to this past. Ever. And a ‘past’ from which they still reap their warring, genocidal gains imposed on their neighbours and the world today.

“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

The genocidal British ‘past’ has remained deliberately untaught in order similar conquest of the ‘other‘ can unashamedly continue without guilt – by propaganda omission – in the cyclical, perennial Iraqi and Yemeni present.

However as the British construct becomes exposed beyond restitution and its top-down indoctrinated ‘superiority-persecution complex’ is stripped back, ordinary people will see that all you’re left with is a pathetic, puerile, lost and childlike ‘State’.

As the living, breathing blueprint embodiment of ‘Rome‘, the working masses on this island have never been allowed to know who or what we might truly have become in the service of humanity and our own individual destiny’s, having been stunted instead and programmed to be served up by the entitled British States’ raison d’etre; to perpetuate and service their elitist profiteers war-machine; to serve up brutality and to self-righteously serve the horrors of war in the propaganda guise of ‘patriotic duty’…

“Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil”. Machiavelli

…just as is being done to us all still, right now today in front of our very eyes and ear-wormed into our minds with cyclical, broken-record ‘news‘ on the ‘terrorism‘-music merry-go-round – again – for a forever global-resources acquisition war machine calling itself a ‘country‘.

The model forerunner to the ‘Greater Germany’ project and its Anschluss absorption of Austria in 1938, this so-called ‘country‘ called ‘Great Britain‘ is a ‘Greater England’ manufactured corporate-political propaganda construct that practiced ‘Leibensraum’ and concentration camps before the Nazi’s were even invented.

Indeed it is all ‘Rome‘ seeded in our pre/adolescent present to galvanise manipulated, emotionalised minds by relentless, cyclically projected ‘Britification‘ – which is why ‘It‘, this top-down hierarchical ‘indoctriNation’ – simply cannot exist without adversity; internal or external, or without an enemy; real or imagined.

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”. Martin Luther King

Which explains why we ‘children‘ have always been at war with someone – and always will – unless we wake-up to break-up the deliberately perpetuated, and normalised hierarchical-structural source cycles of our own emotional-behavioural driven destruction…

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it”. Edward Bernays, ‘Crystallising Public Opinion’ 1928.

This is why the so-called ‘United’ Kingdom cannot survive without deploying military force. Which means it won’t survive.

It’s for this reason the majority English working masses will end the British construct themselves as they dissect #ToryAnalytica’s Brexit criminality and the mainstream media propaganda campaign which was fronted by their own ideological decoy Nigel Farage, UKIP & co who relentlessly platformed by the BBC then ITN and Sky ‘News’, collectively nudged the ‘Overton Window’ ever further towards the far-right – for the Tories themselves to begin filling the sociopolitical vacuum they engineered with fascist legislation, policies and propaganda.

And as such it is the real last colony – the English population – who will deliver three sovereign Scots, Welsh and English democracies on this island, as well as a reunified Ireland and in time bring a fittingly unceremonious, karmic end to the ‘Great’ British warring construct from within…


“The trouble with fiction is that it makes too much sense. Reality never makes sense”. Aldous Huxley

‘Fascism, steeped in pathological hypocrisy, superiority entitlement and inveterate victimhood, is the group-characteristic extension of narcissism and is the Machiavellian-patriotic, militarised business model extension of joint Government and corporate engineered crisis-capitalism’. ‘Characteristics Of An Individual Narcissist & A Fascist State’ (©2017)

‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ – by Johnny McNeill, a contemporary, dystopian ‘fiction’ about the intrinsic, interconnectedness of personal & political domestic abuse, is free to download from here. It is copyright © but is free to share as a public service.