by Johnny McNeill – self-published author of ‘Gaslighting Gilligan‘ (© 2017 – free download – released via Berlin on 25th June 2017).

“I believe in intuition and inspiration. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research”. Einstein

An immediate request: Can I ask you all to share my ‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ links as both Facebook and Twitter are suppressing my accounts. This has become far more restrictive than ever due to the success of my recent piece ‘Violence & Victimhood: How The British & Israeli Construct Persists (The Balfour Declaration Cartel)’. And as a direct result I’m virtually invisible on social media and therefore need you to share my links if we’re to avert the worst of the impending atrocities – particularly in post-Brexit ‘Global Britain’. Thank you…

(25 mins) The weaponry and technology has advanced but the imperial aim remains the same: the slaughter of native indigenous populations in order to steal the land and natural resources, and then through time with the propaganda omission of the atrocities – claim the land as forever having been ‘Its’ own. This is also known as ‘nation building’.

Indeed we are witnessing ‘The [Re]Birth Of A Nation’ which through its propaganda resurrected Klu Klux Klan, formed reinvented ‘realities’ manufactured through fiction with the deliberate intent to instil into the consciousness, previously non-existent burning crucifixes and through the demonisation and dehumanisation of Black Americans, spawn the thousands of brutal murders and lynches by white supremacists.

“Invisible threads are the strongest ties”. Nietzsche

However it’s also through fiction, specifically political fiction, that an antidote to evil can be imagined and hopefully administered in time as part of an effort to help prevent or at least mitigate the severity, scale and ambitions of such organised evil.

This is why ‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ (©2017) is a free download and is also why I understood during writing the book, that I’d need to do more than just warn people of the arrival of British-American fascism through a ‘fiction’ which would never see the light of day – had the original July 2017 ‘Operation Fukuglaschu’ militarisation and global mobilisation trigger gone to plan.

Which is why I went to Berlin to back-up what’s in the book – by doing this:

Video recorded on 25th June 2018, on the first anniversary of going to Berlin and warning the German Bundes Polizei & Irish Embassy on 250617, of the inevitable #ToryAnalytica coup d’etat militarisation of Brexit and the arrival of a US/UK-led global fascism;

“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

I’ve since laid out the details of that weekend and explained why I specifically chose to warn Berlin, in this piece;

‘In its failure to militarise and mobilise via Glasgow in 2017, the problem the vast majority of people have recognising that an Anglo-American led global fascism is actually upon us, is that they rarely care for historical precedence and the ruthless realpolitik when faced with the actual uncomfortable contemporary facts – never mind applying a little imagination. Instead, regardless of social background or academic standing, they are channelled by their conditioned biases and manipulated emotions. And are ruled by what is arguably the most powerful aspect of the human condition which keeps them ‘corralled’ within the ‘safety’ of the herd; their ego’. ‘Warning Berlin 2017: The ‘Missing’ German Federal & Irish Embassy Recordings’ (2023)

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident”. Schopenhauer

You see what many of you won’t have realised watching the 21st century social media footage of battered, broken and the barely recognisable bodies of obliterated children being dug out from the under the rubble of Gaza – is that we are witnesses to past imperial British-American atrocities ongoing in the present.

Hidden from Hansard, our State school history books and by the Matrix-like corporate mass media, we are witnessing past genocides committed by the Anglo-American Empire (& other Western European imperial powers) since ‘Its’ birth and most significantly since the invention of the ‘Greater English’ construct better known as ‘Great Britain’ – which became the Nazi’s ideological template for the Anschluss of Austria and their genocidal Lebensraum policies in pursuit of the ‘Greater Germany’ project.

In the Gaza atrocities we are witnessing through Zionist Israel’s own genocidal Lebensraum project, the ideological continuation of imperial British-American ‘history’ as sold most recently through its ‘Global Britain’ rebrand and the ‘Make America Great Again’ messaging – which has been seamlessly pursued through perennial US policy and therefore behaviourally by both the ‘liberal’ Biden regime and Starmer’s Labour ‘centrists’ in UK – who are all in lockstep-pursuit of a truly global fascist ‘pseudo-religious’ empire, which to perpetuate its cyclical violence has always steeped itself in victimhood in order to hijack the ‘moral high-ground’. However soon people will come to understand that;

“Deceits favourite role is playing the victim”. Paul Galindo

‘So when the Tories do militarise and when the working masses begin to see through the facade of British propaganda construct, we will also come to understand that the collective colonial Israeli and US constructs are ideological replicas of the British ‘pseudo-religion’ which to survive, needs to conduct atrocities against their own citizens by carrying out murderous ‘enemy attacks’, which simultaneously steeps the masses in a collective, vengeful ‘martyrised victimhood’ that supports the existing hierarchical structures for their own ‘protection’ i.e. a criminal protection racket’. ‘Violence & Victimhood: How The British & Israeli Construct Persists (The Balfour Declaration Cartel)’ (2023)

And so the British-American construct has always been and continues be in the business of mass slaughter against innocents – both domestically and in foreign fields. And as such in the unrestrained destruction of Gaza being carried out by their regional proxy Israel, we are now witnessing the ‘invisible’ untaught genocides committed against the Aboriginal peoples of Australia and New Zealand, the North American Native Indian peoples of the USA and Canada, and the Celt peoples of Scotland, Ireland and Wales who were slaughtered, starved and stolen from their families then shamed into ‘inferior race’ submission, before being brainwashed into the ‘superior’ imperial-religious construct which ultimately – is itself housed in the frailties of human condition.

“The ruling class in every age have tried to impose a false view of the world upon their followers”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

The intelligence agencies of these five ‘countries’; the ‘UK’, the ‘USA’, ‘Canada’, ‘Australia’ and ‘New Zealand’ collectively call themselves the ‘Five Eyes’, which is run in the interests of the living descendants of the British-American corporate and aristocrat cartel who have dominated Europe since the Roman Empire and more ‘recently’ since the days of The Holy Roman Empire.

And who since the invention of the printing press discovered the medium that had the potential to finally realise their global ambitions – broadcast media – which has been deployed and weaponised to effortlessly and efficiently tap into the human condition and mass indoctrinate overnight, entire populations on a truly Biblical scale.

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it”. Edward Bernays (1923)

And thereby the 1% have since been able to get we working masses to carry out their genocidal agendas against each other on a previously unprecedented scale; purely on the orchestrated policy and propagandist basis to manipulate emotions and drive entirely predictable and historically precedented mass-behavioural outcomes to make entire populations ripe for war. In the 20th century Europe, interspersed with regional wars and civil conflicts, the most concentrated form of this mutually beneficial, elitist driven destruction of their respective civil populations has been orchestrated through two World Wars to drive such fear that the cowering masses become compelled to unite ‘patriotically’ and to support their respective Governments.

This is really why the relentless carpet bombing of civilians by the Luftwaffe in London and the RAF’s ‘Bomber Command’ in Germany – notably in Dresden – has been waved away by ‘history’, as has President Eisenhower’s 1945 ‘Rhine Meadows’ concentration camps or ‘Rhein Weisen Lager’ which saw over 1 million captive German soldiers die of starvation and disease at the hands of the US – after the war had ended.

“If you’re a man, you’re the last man. Do you understand that you are alone? You are outside of history. You unexist.” Orwell, ‘1984’.

However this itself, this ‘obfuscation’ of historical events, hides the specifically engineered purpose of such mass ‘World War’ atrocities; the cyclical, mutually agreed, aristocrat driven decimation of the male populations of each country – by sending them to war against ‘enemy’ countries – with the aim of resetting societies and thereby reinforcing the established hierarchical order within each.

All of which, in its initial stages at least, is simply carried out by appearing to attack the already indoctrinated belief-systems and engineering deprivation and depression in the majority white populations, whilst simultaneously signposting specific minority demographics to be at the forefront of the ‘Krystallnacht’ backlashes.

“Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred”. Joseph Goebbels

And it’s not that difficult to achieve given that human beings are terrible at recognising their own flaws but are accomplished masters at projecting their failings and recognising the flaws of ‘others’ – even if they’re entirely fabricated.

This is why in UK as the intended result of the Tories austerity driven deprivation of dignity contributing to their ‘Hostile Environment’ policies, and whilst simultaneously being ideologically augmented and driven by their own Brexit Trojan Horse projects Nigel Farage and UKIP…

“We’re an Empire now. We act to create our own reality. And while you are studying that reality we’ll act again. We’re history’s actors and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do”. Karl Rove (2004) Senior Advisor to George Bush

‘By inserting Farage, UKIP and their other low-level right-wing agitators into UK’s dummy ‘democracy’, it was the British Establishment themselves who through BBC Question Time, put the ideological cart-before-the-horse not to inform the population but to drip-feed drive us in their predetermined direction. Steeping itself in the same ‘anti-Establishment’ victimhood theatre as their Tory colleagues do with the EU, the ‘GB News’ brand is designed to ‘moralise’, ‘legitimise’ and normalise fascism as ‘common sense’. But they’re the same propaganda cartel who weaponise their own insecurities, ego’s and corruption to play the role of ‘people’s champions’ and ‘martyrs’ and in doing so, nudge the Overton Window ever further to the far-right for the Tories and then Labour to fill with fascist policies and propaganda’. ‘Farage to GB News: The Tories Own Trojan Horses’ (2021)

…the Tories also propaganda signposted those ‘others’ as being a “swarm” (David Cameron in Jan’16) to cynically infer subhuman connotations, or as the Nazi’s called them ‘Untermensch’ on the grounds of not being ‘pure’ enough in blood and breeding – or simply for disagreeing with their political ideology.

So who are these ‘others’? They’re anyone with brown skin, with the wrong accent or cultural religious clothing, or the wrong sex or sexuality – who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time i.e. the ‘wrong’ type of Muslims, Jocks, Welsh and Jews etc who will be made to absorb the white male majority’s misdirected, collective projection and herded spleen-venting backlash.

“Shall I tell you a terrible truth about politics and human nature? You can probably make a good case for almost any course of action.” Boris Johnson (2013)

It’s a ‘reality’ in which ‘feelings trump facts’ to drive pogroms, genocides and wars with the State’s blessing and without the fear of individual accountability, which facilitates, tempts and permissions the dark side of the human condition to live out its vilest fantasies and is designed to result in a mindless ‘zombie-like’ slaughter which is eugenically ‘necessary’ in order to birth such ‘nations’. And which occasionally – because they enjoy waving their power and agendas in our unwitting child-like faces – like to pay ‘Dark Triad’ tribute to the producers and directors of their own previous propaganda productions.

“Symbolism is the language of the mysteries. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language”. Manly Hall

This is achieved by mimicking nature. It is an autophagous methodology found in all biological organisms which kills or incapacitates specific cells i.e. propaganda dehumanised minorities – which have been deemed a threat or identified as useless – in the pursuit of the ‘greater good’ of the organism as a whole or in fascist terms, in the interests of the whole ‘country’ construct forged through cyclical wars.

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”. Martin Luther King

‘The British construct cannot exist without adversity; internal or external, or without an enemy; real or imagined. Which is why it creates them – to toxically and egotistically ‘galvanise’ a fabricated ‘stoic-victim’ mentality. And explains why we ‘children’ will always be at war with someone until we break the UK aristocrat-engineered cycles of our own indoctrinated destruction’. ‘The Real Last UK Colony: The English Working Masses’ (2017)

This is why in ‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ (©2017) I named each of these ‘Five Eyes’ constructs ‘Oznatraz’, ‘Zealandia’, ‘Canadelysium’ and ‘Ignoreland’ who having all been ‘birthed’ into the same individual and collective ‘State’ of entitlement, hypocrisy and victimhood by their imperial ‘parents’, are each in ‘fictional’ fact the propagandist petri-dish products of the original necrotising fasciitis (look it up) template; ‘Narcisstate’.

‘Fascism, steeped in pathological hypocrisy, superiority entitlement and inveterate victimhood, is the group-characteristic extension of narcissism and is the Machiavellian-patriotic, militarised business model extension of joint Government and corporate engineered crisis-capitalism’. ‘Characteristics Of An Individual Narcissist & A Fascist State’ (©2017)

Note: If I get to live through this and get to re-work the book, I will insert ‘The Church’ beneath ‘Narcisstate’ in the page above.

And so the 1%’s autophagous atrocity network continues in ‘Israel’ which also cloaking itself in self-righteous religious rhetoric, is in effect an unstated ‘Sixth Eye’ in the same Judeao-Christo fascist cartel’s crusade for unadulterated, unrivalled and unaccountable power over humanity – which has often been ‘superiorly’ carried out in the name of ‘God’.

Usurping the spiritual meaning and humanitarian message of Christ, the Judaeo-Christian construct indoctrinates a self-righteous sense of ‘moral superiority’ so ‘It’ can act with immoral impunity and thereby wearing the cloak of religion, covert evil can portray itself as the supposedly culturally ‘superior’ ideology, which more often than not is paradoxically paralleled by claiming victimhood status i.e. a Schrödinger ‘State’ of being steeped in a dual ‘superiority-persecution complex’.

And it’s this religious indoctrination which taps into whats already innately present in the human condition, that underpins the western psyche to permission and perpetuate endless conquests. It’s a form of cyclical, cradle-to-grave ‘manufacturing consent’ which Chomsky wrote about which is deployed not just to destroy actual sovereign states, but to build ‘morally superior’ – though entirely manufactured – new ‘nation States’ upon.

‘‘This British sadomasochist mass-psychosis is steeped in WWII film propaganda soaked in a Monarchistic, militaristic moral righteousness, and in a self-flagellating Union Flagged stiff-upper lip stoic martyrdom steeped in ‘triumph over adversity’ messaging – which is always ‘against the odds’ – of course! It’s all lethal theatre. With the illusion of British ‘diversity’ only existing on your television sets, the Colonel Blimp actors will mobilise brute force onto the streets and in doing so, will divert public anger away from themselves and onto those very same minorities. And so believe me, in time, people will process that this media-reinforced, self-proclaimed ‘country’ calling itself ‘Great Britain’, is actually a genocidal, quasi-religious, corporate-political propaganda construct. And what’s really taking place is the collapse of this anachronistic corruption built on Rome, which is actually being deconstructed in front of our very childlike eyes’. ‘Colonel Blimp: The Life & Death of Global Britain’ (2022)

‘It’ – the same relentless elitist-engineered evil – has always been this way.

You see even in Rome the imperial construct knew It had a finite shelf-life. So rather than wait and resign themselves to the inevitable ‘collapse’ under the weight of their own karma and corruption, its corporate, political and aristocrat custodians since have cyclically weaponised this same corruption through their own outriders posing as ‘anti-Establishment’ crusaders i.e. Nigel Farage and Donald Trump, who collectively work in parallel with their controlled political Opposition partners i.e. so-called liberals, leftists and centrists who all manipulate and bounce the masses emotions back and forth, in order to channel the resulting predictable behavioural outcomes designed to turn the masses against each other.

So yes, the 21st century western world has just witnessed this Establishment playbook in the self-proclaimed ‘people’s champions’ Farage and Trump who repetitively platformed by the Establishment’s own mass media – notably the Murdoch media – were in fact acting as fascist ‘Pied Pipers’ on behalf of “Empire 2.0” (Liam Fox).

Through these two political parodies, Farage and Trump theatrically – and lethally – combined to consolidate Anglo-American imperial power through their existing hierarchical structures housed in its pseudo-‘moralistic’ media, religious and State politique alliances – yet all the while were merely presenting the illusion of “taking down the metropolitan elites”.

And this is how – up until now – through heavily concentrated post-Volksempfänger and TV broadcast indoctrination, these powerful elitists had been able to afford themselves the ability to ‘recede’ from history largely unaffected, only for their successors to subsequently re-emerge in different guises elsewhere throughout the course of two millennia. And as you’re about to read is why past and present, all roads really do lead to Rome.

“There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.” Charles Edward Montague – this quote was given notoriety by President Ronald Reagan who [in]famously had it inscribed on a plaque placed on his Oval Office desk.

It was firmly embedded in the same old religious Crusades which were continued in the Vatican’s Doctrine of Discovery (below) which was ingrained and sustained within the subsequent Monroe Doctrine and the Manifest Destiny ‘right’ of white European settlers to genocide Native American Indians.

“The most powerful form of lie is the omission”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

It is in the mass slaughter and enslavement of west Africans whose graves are at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and whose surviving descendants have been persecuted ever since through Jim Crow ‘laws’ and lynchings. It is in the Protestant ‘Reformation’ – the ‘Great Reset’ of its time – which played right into hands of the established powers to divide the masses.

As the template for the Nazi’s ‘Lebensraum’ project, It is in the aristocrat-led Lowland and Highland Clearances that eventually subdued Scots into submission with the indigenous population having been starved, slaughtered and burned out of their homes. As was the design many of the survivors ‘voluntarily’ sought ‘refuge’ in indentured servitude by paying in advance for ‘safe’ passage to America; forced from Scotland to populate and build the ‘New World’ with their British State enforced ‘debt’ eventually paid-off by means of providing free physical labour for seven years.

“They ravage, they slaughter, they seize by false pretences and this they hail as the construction of empire. And when in their wake they leave nothing but desert, they will call it peace”. Tacitus

And It’s is in the Plantations of ‘Ulster Scots’ concentrated in the north of Ireland and the subsequent calculated starvation of Ireland as a whole, which drove the planned exodus of its people who scattered and fled to find ‘refuge’ – by ‘re-feeding’ them into its own global British imperial constructs – with some conscripted into the Union army during the US Civil War where It was also present.

“The distinction between the past, present and future is a stubbornly persistent illusion”. Einstein

‘The lesson here is pretext and to truly appreciate and consciously process the Imperial patterns housed in centuries-long events, which are themselves the ideological-legacy weapons left behind by past leaders for future conflicts; with which, each subsequent generation of Etonians will cyclically re-arm themselves in the perennial present. As such the British Establishment intend to engineer a new ‘Troubles’ in Scotland and then arbitrarily police the chaos they themselves have caused – just as they did in Northern Ireland’. ‘Devo-Max: Ireland 1922 to Scotland 2022 – Live. Die. Repeat.’ (2022)

It is rooted in the British Empires’ Boer War concentration camps in the Transvaal and the subsequent South Africa Apartheid years; it’s in the blood-soaked trenches of WWI and it lurks in the joint corporate-political propagandist, profiteering emotionalisation and weaponisation of the once solemnly understated poppy…

“Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil”. Machiavelli

‘As an ex British army soldier with 25 years served and with tours of Iraq and Bosnia, I’m going to explain how ex-soldier homelessness and the poppy have been imperceptibly weaponised by the British elite estate over the course of a decade as a profit-making military recruitment tool, during a deliberate propaganda orchestrated campaign ideologically designed to glorify militarism. And by sub/conscious-association garner collective British Army and public ‘patriotic’ emotionalised, martyrised and’morally-superior’ sympathy support for Brexit fascism. Regardless of pretext, Tory militarisation of Brexit Britain is inevitable’. ‘Weaponised Waterfalls’ (2017)

Its ideological agenda was symbolically spelled out for all to see in the Balfour Declaration and was then secreted in the socioeconomic effects of The Versailles Treaty to devastate the German economy and depress working class men, in order that It could later provide them with a ‘Fuhrer’ who would give them back their patriotic pride and meaning in a military uniform.

All of which It had always intended to converge with US Prohibition, the Wall Street Crash and The Great Depression which collectively divided society and simultaneously fed into and ‘streamlined’ organised crime, with a seamless precision and transition towards an unprecedented scale of militarisation of both German and US societies, and which cumulatively maximised military recruitment potential leading into WWII.

It was in the Irish Civil War (I now question the role of Eamonn De Valera and where his actual allegiances truly lay). It was in The Spanish Civil War during which both the US and UK took a ‘non-interventionist’ approach giving free reign to the ruthless fascist Franco; who before reinstating the Spanish monarchy, was also furtively supported by the Catholic Church – the repercussions of which last to this day – and was supplied with 10,000 Italian troops by Bennito Mussolini and the ‘Condor Legion’ from Adolf Hitler’s Luftwaffe, to ensure ‘fascism’ – this ‘new’ imperial branding for the same old necrotising fasciitis autophagous organism – could gain the foothold It needed to begin the mass slaughter of WWII, having had its true power finally realised in the Nazi’s cheap mass produced Volksempfänger or ‘peoples receiver’…

“A media system wants an ostensible diversity which conceals an actual uniformity”. Goebbels

…which has since been replaced by colour TV’s and smartphones or as I termed it in the book ‘the flatscreen universe: cinematic, TV and tablet’.

And which just as was the case in 1933 with the Nazi’s stage-managed theatre broadcast through the Volksempfänger, so too it still is nearly a century later with the entire ‘left’ and ‘right’ spectrum saturated with political, ‘journalistic’ and entertainment media actors – ostensibly on all so-called ‘sides’ but who most crucially on ‘liberal/left’ – are in fact agitprop gatekeepers protecting the construct achieving ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ through the Machiavellian control of the masses emotions and therefore have wholesale ownership of our manufactured ‘reality’.

“One of the great secrets of the day is to know how to take possession of popular prejudices and passions, in such a way as to introduce a confusion of principles which makes impossible all understanding between those who speak the same language and have the same interests”. Machiavelli

‘Fuelled by propaganda manipulated emotions alone, the uncompromising power of ignorance on all ‘sides’ is housed in our individual egotistical need to be ‘right’ – regardless of the facts and evidence. Stuck in this cancerous self-perpetuating psyche, the strength of feelings then proportionately dictates the empowered sense of self-righteous rectitude, which drives anger and amplifies the subsequent and predictable group behaviours to result in conflict between the groups and communities. All of which collectively leads to societal destruction, pogroms and other forms of propagandistic, State-sponsored mass murder i.e. civil war and/or war between nations’. ‘Propagandist Heroes & Villains: The Demise of the Machiavellian Matrix’ (2023)

And after the Nazi’s had secured ‘democratic’ power, It was hidden in the Havaara Agreement, in the Warsaw Ghetto, in the Wannsee Conference and in the subsequent Final Solution of Nazi Germany’s concentration camps of Auschswitz and Belsen to specifically result in the very mass murder It needed during The Holocaust, which was always intended to be used to mass guilt-shame Europe and the ‘Five Eyes’ populations into creating the State of Israel.

“The consequences of every act are included in the act itself”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

It was at Pearl Harbour. It was in the United States OSS ‘ratlines’ of ‘Operation Paperclip’ which funnelled senior Nazi figures out of Europe to the US and South America; notably Argentina, Chile and Brazil. And of course It was undoubtedly in mushroom clouds of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Bikini Atoll.

It was also in the Amritsar Massacre and in the British Indo-Pakistan partition. It’s in ‘Operation Gladio’. It was in the Korean War, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident then Vietnam War and in the Agent Orange deformed foetus-jars of Saigon’s ‘American War Crimes Museum’. It’s in Henry Kissinger’s engineered Cambodian Killing Fields and the torture rooms of ‘S21’ in Phnom Penh. It’s in the Central and South American drug cartels and fascist junta regimes as It was present throughout the Cold War which was also waged against western populations via Hollywood and Pinewood studios; which were themselves the theatrical, ideological and near-cataclysmic extensions of the orchestrated Cuban Missile Crisis, the assassination of JFK and McCarthyism and the subsequent ‘Scarface’ flood drip-fed into Miami.

And where across the Atlantic Bridge another ‘Miami’ – ‘The Miami Showband’ who comprised of Catholic and Protestant musicians – had already been murdered by It in order to foment and conduct the internal ‘UK’-specific ‘Operation Gladio’ – better known as ‘The Troubles’. And which playing reluctant martyr throughout to ‘keep the warring IRA & UDA factions apart’ – by playing peacemaker yet whilst conducting UK intelligence-led State sponsored murders against all ‘sides’ – sustained the galvanising, ‘stoic-victim’ mass psyche to reinvigorate and reinforce the illusion of self-righteous British exceptionalism leading into, during and beyond the ‘timely’ Falklands War…

“It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

‘Against the patriotic aftermath of The Falklands War they were able to hide their true identity from us, as they ‘normalised’ the ‘national-security psyche’ to break ‘Commie’ or ‘Socialist sympathisers’ mostly in northern English, Welsh and Scots communities. They did this by throwing an ideological brick through the Overton Window, shifting it towards the far-right over the course of decades, even temporarily changing the colour of ‘The Party’ from blue to red and back again in case we cottoned-on to Britain being in effect – in reality – a One Party State. Doing so through Blairite consolidation of corporate-political power and wealth, through continued stripping of public services – particularly through PPI’s – and by sustaining the cyclical slavish ‘Special Relationship’ template to follow the US into the illegal 2003 war in Iraq’. ‘Brexit: A Very British Fascist Coup’ (2017)

It is in the transatlantic patterns of repeated ‘incompetence’ by law enforcement agencies failures to catch church-clergy paedophiles and infamous serial killers, whose sex crimes respectivelyyet simultaneously – have been both buried to protect the established power structures, yet exploited by the corporate media to drive gender mistrust and fear throughout society. And which often finds Its way onto the cinema screen as ‘entertainment’ or on TV as ‘news’, in order to recycle and sustain the global western divisive identity politics through the propagandist ‘all men are potential rapists’ messaging.

It is in the propaganda ‘War on Drugs’; it’s in the CIA’s steady supply of Iran-Contra weapons and Afghanistan’s opiates to ghettoise American cities, with the specific, concentrated targeting of crack cocaine injected into black communities – which I perceive was discovered by Gary Webb. And I believe It is also in the MI5/6 murder of Daniel Morgan who’d learned of the very same dark British secret running through its City of London connections to arms, drugs and people trafficking into UK and beyond…

It is in 1990/91 Gulf War and I’m reasonably sure it’ll be found in the Serbian atrocities perpetrated in the former Yugoslavia – both of which I was deployed to during my 25 years service in the British army. And It is most certainly in the cyclically resurrected ruins of 9/11, with the Twin Towers built for the very purpose they were brought down to sustain a future ‘War on Terror’. A propaganda ‘war’ which also purports to wage that other forever war It never intends to end – the so-called ‘War on Poverty’.

It’s in the Blair and Bush illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 and in the ‘Arab Spring’; it’s in the cyclical emotional resurrection of the war dead whom the ‘ruling class’ annually lay claim to with ‘Lest We Forget’, whilst continuing to hypocritically perpetrate war crimes with its US partners and through its proxy Saudi Arabia, Oman and UAE regimes; the truth of which is hidden by the western mainstream media behind the facade of ‘respectability’.

It’s symbolically stated in ‘The Treaty of Rome’. It is embedded throughout the EU, WEF, UN and if you look closely – it’s most definitely symbolically embedded within their corporate-military arm commonly referred to as NATO.

“When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men”. Manly Hall

And like it or not, acknowledge it or not – it’s been the very DNA of the WHO and the COVID construct from the very beginning…

…which I ‘predicted’ in May 2019 when Boris Johnson symbolically telegraphed its pre-prepared triggering just a couple of months earlier in March, via messaging synonymous with plague.

However when It failed to achieve its totalitarian objectives via the COVID lockdowns…

‘The Tories deliberate exacerbation by COVID19 ‘governance’ on this island, is the ideological extension of their ‘HostileEnvironment’ policies by proxy; specifically by policy continuation of Brexit and austerity which for those who were already struggling financially and emotionally, resulting inherently in foreboding sense of despair – often leading to psychological and physical isolation – has now been further compounded and imposed as a matter of Lockdown ‘law’ (for we plebs) to collectively arrive at the normalisation of isolation, which is designed to further induce mass depression and suicide; individual, collective and socioeconomic – forever – making for an infinitely malleable, State subservient population, especially the men who hold the key to the streets’. ‘The Trump-Putin-Brexit Coup: It’s All Over Bar The ‘Shouting’ (2020)

It then pivoted the global agenda to Ukraine (link below) where It can be seen propping up the puppet ‘President’ Zelenskyy.

And of course as the title of this piece suggests, It is in the continuation of the ongoing 1948 Palestinian Nakba seeded in and by the Balfour Declaration cartel…

…which is still being perpetrated in Gaza to this day, with the predetermined design intent to be engineered to come full-circle back to Scotland – specifically via the Royal Navy’s nuclear submarine base at Faslane in Glasgow’s Clyde estuary; which is why it’s imperial-fascist ideology is also firmly embedded in the Ukraine War – to bring It back to Scotland, Europe and beyond.

Op Fukuglaschu’ (in the book) was ‘Plan A’, for which the public were being psychologically softened-up via a media fronted, drip-fed ‘inevitability narrative’ to anticipate a cyberattack by Iran as being as likely to occur as not. So that when It did the western world would readily accept the ‘official’ explanation to support a ‘proportionate’ nuclear ‘response’ on Tehran.

However as I’ve previously described in detail in the ‘Warning Berlin 2017’ piece above – having processed how the drip-fed design of these propaganda narratives work, It was catastrophically interrupted in Berlin before it could be triggered during July 2017.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities will make you commit atrocities”. Voltaire

‘SCOTLAND GUARD: Four nuclear submarines and Scotland Yard use the same out-of-date Windows system as hacked NHS computers, sparking fears of military attack’. The Sun, 13th May 2017

‘Formalising the US/UK ‘Special Relationship’, the newly installed PM Boris Johnson was supposed to have ‘united’ Great Britain and the ‘democratic’ western world against Iran, who would be blamed for the 2016/17 WannaCry ‘cyberattack’ on the NHS and Houses of Parliament computers. And in turn would align with the new US President Donald Trump who would provide US economic and military ‘assistance’ in Brexit Britain i.e. a coup d’etat’. (The exact same Orwellian US/UK-led playbook to get NATO into WWIII is being pursued today via Ukraine, Taiwan and now Israel/Iran – to reverberate back to Glasgow as per the original plan). ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ – A Trigger for Global Fascism’ (2018)

And which again, just as the 9/11 Twin Towers were specifically built to be spectacularly brought down by ‘Islamic terrorists’ via the air, so too the US/UK siting of Faslane itself was a Trojan Horse intended to originally blame Iran for sinking a Trident nuclear submarine in the Clyde via the 2016/17 ‘WannaCry’ false flag ‘cyberattack’.

This was (is still) intended to spark WWIII and in doing so first lead to the socioeconomic destabilisation of Scotland which as a direct consequence, is designed to lead to the overnight collapse of its sociopolitical epicentre and its ‘democratic’ systems and structures. The resulting carnage and chaos is to reverberate across the populous M8 motorway corridor between Scotland’s largest City of Glasgow to its capital Edinburgh; which spanning from the west coast of Scotland to the east (where INEOS is based and sits like a vulture in the Grangemouth refinery on the Firth of Forth) this vast area ‘coincidentally’ happens to contain the most fracking rich seams and where 80% of Scots live and work.

And once again It would repeat by design the previously erased Scots (& Irish) history to begin a media sanitised 21st century Central Belt Clearances (page 280) carried out by US soldiers and international private military contractors unconcerned with and unrestrained by the Geneva Convention. So crucial is this Scottish Clearances strategy to the long-term survival of this contemporary ‘Rome’ cartel – many of whom are going to prison for the rest of their lives if they’re lucky – they’ve re-attempted the same ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ playbook via Russia/Ukraine, China/Taiwan and Israel/Iran.

“It takes only six weeks to bring a country to crisis, after which, with a violent change of power, structure and economy, you have the period of ‘normalisation’ which may last indefinitely”. Yuri Bezmenov, ex-KGB PsyOps Specialist (1984)

‘The Ukraine-Russia war [& now via Israel/Iran] is intended to mobilise the ‘Five Eyes’ cartel and NATO via Faslane near Glasgow. And simultaneously declare National Emergencies and then Martial Law in order to pretext ‘justify’ temporarily suspending western ‘democracy’ but which will usher in joined-up, permanent and orchestrated Orwellian police states in each – including across the European Union countries – i.e. Ireland’. ‘Ukraine to Faslane: Glasgow – The Gaslight Ground Zero for Global Britain & Five Eyes Fascism’ (2022)

Or to sum up ‘It’ in a few words; ‘It’ is all connected by an invisible thread which binds us all in the past, present and future.

In summary; there’s a perennial evil upon us which until a few short years ago we never knew existed – because we were the indoctrinated, ‘morally superior’ products of It and facilitators for It. Indeed the overwhelming majority of people have absolutely no idea of the coming storm. Yet the time is fast approaching when the carnage will be on our own ‘British’ and global western ‘democratic’ doorsteps as ‘It’ is about to be unleashed by our own Governments against the working classes.

“One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one MAKES THE REVOLUTION in order to establish a dictatorship”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

‘Johnson will remain in the periphery for the Tories trigger which is currently being achieved primarily through their ongoing ‘culture wars’ weaponisation. This is in addition to their other deliberately engineered and opportunist constructs which will be made to converge with their corporate partner strategies – eg “the cost of living crisis” i.e. joint corporate-political engineered destitution intended to culminate in mass civil unrest and NHS collapse which the UK corporate media and Starmer’s Labour will attempt to ‘validate’, placate, coerce and guilt-shame the population into compliance’. ‘The PM Resignation Ruse & The Tories Boiling Frog March To A UK Civil War’ (2022)

And so when you all catch up with the actual Orwellian reality of our world, you’re all going to have to make a choice; either go along with the mass murder whilst continuing to hide behind the convenient cloak of indoctrination and ignorance – or come together to fight ‘It’ and the 1% – who’ve dominated our politics and psyche since forever. Because that’s exactly what they intend to do to us;

“The war waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or Eastasia, but to keep the [hierarchical] structure of society intact”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

‘When the Tories told us in 2018 they had a self-serving plan called ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ to militarise their own Putin dark-money bankrolled Brexit – we really should’ve had a big long chat about what that actually meant for ‘democracy’. And just as importantly – why the UK mainstream media didn’t. Regardless of pretext (Ukraine/Taiwan/Iran etc) Tory militarisation of UK is inevitable and Starmer’s Labour and the British media will attempt to ‘validate’ it, placate, blame and guilt-shame the population into a ‘unifying’ compliance within a brutal fascist Police State.’ ‘Tory Militarisation of UK Is Inevitable’ (2022)

“We shall go down in history as the greatest statesmen of all time, or as the greatest criminals”. Joseph Goebbels


This piece is dedicated to the memory of my dear Dad, Archie, who having been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer on the 14th September this year, passed away peacefully on the 20th October with his family at his side and whilst listening to his favourite music. A perfect passing for a wonderful man.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience”. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Archibald Goldie McNeill – 26th June 1947 – 20th October 2023


“The trouble with fiction is that it makes too much sense. Reality never makes sense”. Aldous Huxley

Gaslighting Gilligan’ by Johnny McNeill; a contemporary dystopian ‘fiction’ about the intrinsic, interconnectedness of both personal & State-political domestic abuse, was released from Berlin on 25th June 2017. It is copyright ©️ but is a *free*-to-share public-service PDF download from here. (Donations gratefully received).

Twitter: @GasGilligan