by Johnny McNeill – ex British Army Sgt Major with 25 years served with operational tours of Iraq and Bosnia. And self-published author of ‘Gaslighting Gilligan‘ (© 2017 – free download – released via Berlin on 25th June 2017).

“A media (and political) system wants an ostensible diversity which conceals an actual uniformity”. Joseph Goebbels

Intro: How the illusion of UK ‘democracy’ is still being sold by the British and US billionaire class to the English, Welsh and Scots working masses through its corporate, media and political actors skilled in emotional manipulation and Machiavellian misdirection. These subversive operatives pretend to be at odds with one another – even when the observable theatrical evidence belies the fact that there is a clear Goebbels-esque “uniformal” synergy taking place between these ‘opposing’ forces, which is deliberately conspiring to spiral ‘Global Britain’ into becoming a ‘failed State’.

“One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one *MAKES THE REVOLUTION* in order to establish a dictatorship”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

‘Any democratic decision that needs to be enforced or ‘supported’ by a Government deployment of the military – i.e. the Tories ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ – in order it can maintain or secure political power via the streets, ports and infrastructure etc and thereby ‘police’ the very circumstances they themselves have created, is in fact in any conventional, consistent, rational-thinking and ‘functioning democracy’ – a coup d’etat’. ‘Brexit: All Roads Lead to Rome – Militarisation’ (2018)

The thing is, in trying to half-heartedly attempt to trigger ‘#OpYellowhammer’ the following year as a result of their own intended ‘Hard Brexit’ to create their hostile environment ideology – they showed their hand and the inevitable direction of totalitarian travel.

“You can’t change the masses. They will always be the same: dumb, gluttonous and forgetful”. Joseph Goebbels

However what you’ll come to understand is that the 2018 ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ is itself the official name of the original intended trigger I called ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ in ‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ (©2017) which I successfully forewarned the German Bundes Police and the Berlin Irish Embassy was to be activated via Scotland’s Clyde estuary.

As such ‘Op Yellowhammer’ has the ‘Plan B’ intent to engineer the mass civil unrest pretexts needed to provide the Machiavellian cover which ‘justifies’ deploying military force on mainland Brexit coup Britain which as per the original, yet thwarted July 2017 plan during the Trump Presidency, will enable the #ToryAnalytica COBRA Cabinet – supported by Starmer’s pro-Brexit, Friends of Israel ridden Labour Party – to call on the Biden Presidency for US (or UN/NATO) economic, military and private military contractors ‘assistance’, to ‘legitimately’ as a matter of ‘restoring law and order’ – deliver the masses of this island into a preplanned, brutal fascist Police State.

‘A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself’. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Doing so through the Tories own Brexit ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ plan prior to the 100% ‘hard Brexit’ import/export checks due in October this year which predictably, will create chaos at Dover and Folkestone. And for which the current British Army manning levels and resources would barely last a week, maybe two at a stretch with popular public support; which if people have any sense – if we are thinking clearly and not ruled by emotion – they will not get.

On the 1st August 2023, it’s reported that Rishi Sunak’s family bought stock in BP. Two months later the Israeli genocide in Gaza begins on 7th October. And by December 2023 it’s reported that Israel has illegally sold drilling/exploration licenses to BP for the Gaza marine reserve.

We are all being played by incredibly wealthy families masquerading as public servants, who do not give a damn about working class families or the sons, brothers and fathers they send to war.

As an ex soldier myself I’ve reluctantly come to accept that I was never actually helping to safeguard populations against tyranny as I’d been indoctrinated, but was in foreign lands unwittingly helping to steal natural resources and secure future trade routes on behalf of corporations. And like all karma – the terror we waged on innocent populations is coming back to Its source; on the fascist Brexit coup British mainland…

(45-50 minutes) In trying to mask the chaotic intent, ideally they need to blame an external source or ‘enemy’ and as such have tried and failed on numerous occasions since 2017, to get NATO into a war with either Russia, China or Iran.

But now that the US/UK ‘Special Relationship’ cartel have finally accepted that none of their propagandist ‘enemies’ are taking the nuclear escalation bait that would also have masked their criminality, they still need to avoid prison – or worse – by unilaterally attempting to establish a UK domestic dictatorship from within, with US support.

“Those who deceive will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived”. Machiavelli

‘By parachuting Farage, UKIP and their other low-level right-wing agitators into UK’s dummy ‘democracy’, it was the British Establishment themselves who initially through BBC Question Time then entire corporate media, put the ideological cart-before-the-horse not to inform the population but to drip-feed drive us in their predetermined direction. Steeping itself in the same ‘anti-Establishment’ victimhood theatre as their Tory colleagues do with the EU, the ‘GB News’ brand is designed to ‘moralise’, ‘legitimise’ and normalise fascism as ‘common sense’ and ‘rescuing’ ideology. But they’re the same propaganda cartel whose outriders weaponise their own collective Establishment corruption to play the role of ‘people’s champions’ and ‘martyrs’ and in doing so, nudge the Overton Window ever further to the far-right to enable the Tories with the actual Parliamentary and Legislative power – to fill the vacuum they engineered – with fascist policies and propaganda. Regardless of pretext, Tory militarisation of UK is inevitable and Starmer’s Labour and the British media will attempt to ‘validate’ it, placate, blame and guilt-shame the population into compliance’. ‘Farage to GB News: The Tories Own Trojan Horses’ (2021)

As such, with Farage having long exhausted his Brexit/Trump propaganda value and with the repeatedly revised and increasingly desperate playbook now in its endgame – the ludicrous Liz Truss has been chosen to beat the Atlantic Bridge drum internationally with Trump’s very own Goebbels figure Steve Bannon; whilst Galloway has been forced into the UK domestic fascist spotlight – to help stir the Brexit agitprop pot by exploiting Gaza…

Now, I’m sure many of you will be tempted to ‘rationalise’ i.e. ‘explain away’ simply or dismiss the inconsistent behaviours of George Galloway that I’ve observed since 2014, but try not to.

Instead please continue to read this piece in its contextual entirety because I can assure you if you do – you will inevitably in time – understand who and what Galloway really is. And not only that – your children and grandchildren will thank you. Too late of course for thousands of children in Gaza.

“A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is, when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud”. Orwell

‘UK PLC is being asset-stripped by #ToryAnalytica – aka ‘The Party’ – prior to their crisis-capitalist fascist trigger, by PlanB #BrexitCoup catastrophe for the subsequent engineered socioeconomic meltdown of UK via nuclear, biological and psychological warfare means. This is in preparation to handover as ‘Airstrip One’ to their own Trump Presidency [continued by the Biden Presidency] and their US/UK elite-estate hedge funds and corporates partners and in doing so justify US economic and military ‘assistance’ on mainland Britain – beginning in oil and natural resources rich Scotland’. ‘Trump & Brexit: The ‘Dark Triad’ Model for a Global Fascist Contagion’ (2019)

Video recorded on 25th June 2018, on the first anniversary of going to Berlin and warning the German Bundes Polizei & Irish Embassy on 250617, of the inevitable #ToryAnalytica coup d’etat militarisation of Brexit and the arrival of a US/UK-led global fascism;

“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

Having been jolted into reality by a specific global western narrative in September 2016 – which we’ve still yet to recognise as part the divide and rule, and military recruitment strategy – I knew by early 2017 that something was very wrong. And that the ‘coincidental’ yet inevitable Brexit militarisation which would be needed at the UK’s ports and vital infrastructure etc, was to be pre-empted and disguised by a war which would be made to tear apart the UK societally and at street level.

In doing so this would serve to reinforce forever, the long-standing UK hierarchical corporate aristocrat structures domestically and thereby ensure the British/US 1% billionaire class through their Members of Parliament (they’re not ours!) can retain their ‘Global Britain’ position at the world’s top political, military and economic tables – alongside their sponsors and partners in the WEF, WHO, UN and other unelected global bodies whom ‘our’ three letter intelligence agencies really work for.

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way”. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Most of you will be unfamiliar with ‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ (©2017) so to try help you process this piece objectively, rationally and logically, I’d like you to firstly understand that whenever the human condition is met with information which conflicts with our strongly-held beliefs, an emotionally charged ‘cognitive dissonance’ takes over to result in perfectly normal ego-defence responses which will attempt to protect these beliefs.

In doing so we ‘rationalise’, explain away and/or we simply dismiss altogether – any evidence which does not fit with the individual (and collective) core beliefs. This is especially problematic in groups or when a powerful emotional investment has been made in an individual or in a cause over a sustained period of time.

As a relatable example whereby most of us are already experienced in rationalising, ‘explaining away’ or dismissing unwelcome evidence – is that which is extremely common in relationship breakdowns – especially where one partner is already pivoting onto the next.

“Whoever cares the least, holds all the power”. Willard Waller, ‘The Family: A Dynamic Interpretation’ (1938)

And it’s worse still in domestic abuse relationships in which the abused and often trauma-bonded partner or child(ren) who’ve been subjected to sustained periods of gaslighting, will through sheer desperation still grasp onto their emotional ‘truth’ and try to hang onto the rollercoaster ‘relationship’, rather than face-up to the inevitable realisation that they (in this case – you – the UK general public!) are entirely disposable.

Unfortunately however, the longer it takes for the victim to come to terms with their toxic reality, the more painful the ‘treat them mean keep them keen’ consequences tend to be. But like it or not all truths – including unwelcome truths – will inevitably emerge and will have to be reckoned with.

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it”. Edward Bernays (1923)

Because what we’re about to come to terms with, is that the British and US Establishment parachutes its own propaganda playbook ‘Pied Pipers’ into the fray to dominate all ‘sides’ to agitate the population, to absorb online traffic with their greater reach to help contain potentially harmful counter narratives – like those in ‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ (©2017) and which I’ve written about since in this blog over the last seven years. By containing my insights they’ve been able to maintain control of the discourse within safe parameters, to protect the overall Orwellian construct and thereby have sustained a cyclically toxic ‘holding pattern’ that wears down the resolve of the population – pending the Brexit militarisation trigger.

And so to theatrically throw the masses off their collective scent, by whipping-up mass emotional energy, these Machiavellian actors; ‘journalists’, activists and politicians on all ‘sides’ – notably high-profile ‘centrist’ media figures who were supposedly on the ‘left’ but played key roles in ousting Jeremy Corbyn to not only install Starmer but by sabotaging Corbyn’s Labour Party, also installed Boris Johnson into 10 Downing Street.

Players such as those who regularly host on LBC – James O’Brien, contribute to Novara Media – Aaron Bastani, as well as Peter Jukes of Byline Times and the ‘born-again’ Peter Oborn and George Menbiot of Double Down News, as well as the agitprop general ‘Reverend’ Stu Campbell of ‘Wings Over Scotland’ whose role is to shit-stir not only within the Scottish independence movement but Scotland as a whole.

They all conduct sporadic and orchestrated ‘attacks’ against their ‘opposing’ colleagues who in turn do likewise, simply to reaffirm the audience’s existing biases and thereby shore-up one another’s respective ‘left’ and ‘right’ credentials. And guess what? It’s been working really well – that is until very recently.

Because even with their increasingly confrontational language and inflammatory rhetoric on all ‘sides’…

…the Machiavellian theatre is becoming less effective, more puerile, predictable and transparent with every desperate ‘attack’ cycle to get direct the masses to clash with one another and away from themselves.

“Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred”. Joseph Goebbels

‘The British construct cannot exist without adversity; internal or external, or without an enemy; real or imagined. Which is why it manufactures them – to toxically and egotistically ‘galvanise’ the fabricated ‘stoic-victim’ and exceptionalism mentality needed to bind the British propaganda illusion. And explains why we ‘children’ will always be at war with someone until we break the UK aristocrat-engineered cycles of our own indoctrinated destruction’. ‘The Real Last UK Colony: The English Working Masses’ (2017)

And so whether you acknowledge it or not, having been cyclically indoctrinated in our pre/adolescence through ‘Patriotic Programming: Toddler to Teenager to Tabloidhood’ (2017)

…to believe that it was the duty of the Government and wider State to protect its citizens, this exact same domestic abuserelationshipdynamic and our ongoing rationalisation to keep dismissing British State gaslight abuse at the hands of Establishment ‘Pied Pipers’ like Farage and Galloway – is also at play.

As such, by driving our predictable emotional-behavioural responses to dictate our political ‘reality’, we perceive our ‘choices’ to be made of our own ‘free will’. But the truth is that it’s an illusion. Our political ‘choices’ are nothing of the sort.

This not only happens in the political sphere but in all manner of ideologically related ‘choices’ with the cold hard truth being that realpolitik of not only UK, but US, EU and global western ‘democracies’ as a whole, are predetermined by bouncing our ‘left’ and ‘right’ conditioned biases off one another.

Parachuted into the political arena supposedly as a ‘supporter’ of Scottish independence in 2014, ‘Wings Over Scotland’ has since revealed his true role: to agitate within the independence movement and to wear-down and keep Scotland as a whole dividedpending ‘Op Yellowhammer’ militarisationwhich he (& others) continues to omit by design.

All of which is a collective effort to foment friction and ultimately create conflict between working class demographics who are all sealed within a ‘feelings trump facts’ bubble – aka Full Spectrum Dominance or 5th Generation Warfare – which is saturated on mainstream broadcast and social media by an ‘empire of history’s actors’.

And so yes, upon the mass realisation of these observable abusive-relationship realities inflicted by the gaslight State set to militarise, so too an emotionally manipulated backlash on a national scale will have to be reckoned with.

Until then let’s take a wee trip down memory lane with the chameleon-like George Galloway…

Prior to the 2014 Scottish independence ‘referendum’ – aka propaganda war – Galloway kept up the appearance of being ‘anti-Establishment’ by stating he’d have nothing to do with the British State ‘Better Together’ campaign against Scotland’s right to self-determination.

In a u-turn – no doubt after being briefed by David Cameron’s newly formed ‘Nudge Unit’ aka the UK GOV Behavioural Insights Team – Galloway subsequently campaigned for ‘Better Together’ on behalf of the British State.

This was his first notable opportunity to help begin dismantling the British imperial system he so purported to despise. But instead he supported the very same British (& US) Establishment structures that had already waged the illegal 2003 war in Iraq that murdered and displaced a million innocent people; that has orchestrated the ongoing famine in Yemen via its Saudi satellite and as another regional consequence; has now also played a contributing role in ideologically facilitating the current atrocities in Gaza. George Galloway on why he’s saying “naw” to Scottish independence

‘George Galloway joins anti-EU rally as Brussels talks reach climax | UKIP leader Farage introduces left-wing campaigner at ‘Grassroots Out’ event’. FT, 19th Feb 2016

In mirroring Farage’s ‘outrider’ role on the supposed ‘left’ whilst working on behalf of the British billionaire elites, Galloway too made numerous ‘anti-Establishment’ appearances alongside other Brexit agitprop outriders of equally dubious character.

As with all UK ‘democratic’ exercises housed in media manipulated perceptions and buffeted emotions, the gaslighting intent is to channel their victims – the electorate – into predictable behavioural outcomes which elicit the desired reaction, to vote for Orwellian ‘Party’ members; whether on the so-called ‘left’ or ‘right’ but who between them serve to agitate the population to violently “Rise Up” onto the streets.

Think about it; just prior to the Rochdale by-election the utterly ludicrous Liz Truss theatrically informed American fascist Steve Bannon that a “radical Islamist party” could be voted into power. She didn’t state which party – simply because she didn’t need to. Why? Because the Goebbels “uniformity” UK media dutifully picked up the “radical Islamist” narrative to paint the ordinary people of Rochdale who are also sickened by Westminster politics and the Gaza genocide – as “anti-semites” – and hey presto! there’s your “radical Islamists”.

These by the way are the very same everyday disaffected voters who aided by Starmer’s ‘personal’ decision (I doubt that) not to stand a candidate in the Rochdale by-election – without realising they were emotionally streamlined or ‘channeled’ throughout – with no other significant ‘leftist’ candidate to vote for.

It was in essence a one horse race – as was engineered – for arch-Brexiteer George Galloway’s ‘Workers Party of Britain’. And that’s where it gets subversively worse…

You see with the original 2017 ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ plan having been catastrophically interrupted in Berlin (outlined in the video above, for the details see the ‘Warning Berlin 2017’ link below) and still trying to sustain the media-amplified illusion of ‘legitimate’ political relevancy in 2019, the British cartel – quite probably Dominic Cummings and/or the ‘Behavioural Insights Team’ – essentially rebranded UKIP as the ‘Brexit Party’ (later the ‘Reform Party’) with Farage as its public-facing figurehead.

And around that same period, the very same #ToryAnalytica ‘Nudge Unit’ cartel also created the ‘Workers Party of Britain’ – complete with British patriotic red, white and blue branding sporting a subliminal, though not-so-subtle British patriotic Royal Air Force roundel motif…

“The best propaganda works invisibly to penetrate the whole of life without the public having any knowledge of its propagandistic initiative”. Joseph Goebbels

…which again was a departure from Galloway’s previously stated position in the above 2014 ‘Prospect Magazine’ interview, in which he said “My flag is red. I care nothing for either the Scottish or the British flags”.

Another example of Galloway’s propensity to depart from the truth in that same interview was when he stated “The only valid grounds for nationalism is when there is national oppression by one nation over another—that is manifestly not true in Scotland. It is not an occupied country. It has never been an occupied country. It is complete hysterical nonsense to pretend otherwise”.

“The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

Galloway was of course lying again. You see long after the earlier Wars of Independence during which Scotland fought for its survival in the face of English aggression, as you can see in the image above – which the post-WWII ‘Baby Boomers’ and Gen X kids like myself were never taught about in State school – these military bases represent the English-British imperial occupation and subsequent ‘pacification’ of Scotland in the 17th and 18th centuries.

This was during the Lowland and Highland Clearances aka ethnic cleansing whose ‘Redcoats’ raped, butchered, starved and burned Scots out of their homes, with many of the survivors forced into indentured servitude. This was a form of slavery that drove starving, dishevelled and destitute Scots into the service of their monied ‘masters’ – people like George Galloway – who were transported to other British colonies around the ‘New World’, having been forced to into the debt of these very same British privateer ‘masters’ to ‘pay’ for their own sea voyage.

This enforced debt was then ‘worked off’ by the enslaved Scots over the course of seven years (on average) with free and often back-breaking labour. After which the overwhelming majority of these Scottish slaves never returned to Scotland – if indeed they survived at all.

Which makes it all the more galling when English Members of Parliament routinely demonstrate their sheer disdain for Scotland and indeed their normalised contempt for Scots as Lucy Frazer, MP for SE Cambridgeshire unashamedly demonstrated in the House of Commons on the 4th June 2015, when she joked about Scotland’s enslavement to the butcher Cromwell, and was greeted by the laughter of her fellow English MP’s in the Westminster Parliament.

Since when she’s been rewarded with a UK Government Cabinet position by the unelected UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

“It was Oliver Cromwell who defeated the Scots at [The Battle of] Dunbar [in 1296] who incorporated Scotland into his protectorate and transported the Scots as slaves to the colonies. Now, there’s an answer to the West Lothian Question!” Lucy Frazer MP, June 2015.

With the subordinate fate of Scotland sealed in 1707 through the subversive ‘Act of ‘Union’ i.e. a forced marriage built on 700 years of bloodshed, bribery and blackmail, It delivered the originalTwo State Solution’ through an entirely invented ‘country’ which egotistically, anachronistically, arrogantly and indeed in the 21st century – quite childishly – still calls itself ‘Great’ Britain’ which is in all practically the ideological extension of ‘Greater England’.

“The distinction between the past, present and future is a stubbornly persistent illusion”. Einstein

But what most people don’t know is that it’s also a historical fact that ‘Great Britain’ was itself was the Nazi’s Lebensraum blueprint model for ‘Greater Germany’ and as such are the same blueprint for fascist ‘Greater Israel’s’ murderous land-grab sweeping through Gaza and beyond, perpetrated by its own narcissist-fascist multinational Zionist ‘Einsatzgruppen’ units armed with weapons and money supplied by the ‘United’ Kingdom and the ‘United’ States.

So do you see how British-American imperialism and Nazi-Zionist fascism are simply two sides of the same genocidal coin? We’re witnessing past historical events in the present which can be seen in the same cyclically patterns engineered throughout the centuries; through its ethnic cleansing, occupation and ‘pacification’ of peoples to colonise lands and steal their resources.

“Fascism [imperialism] should more appropriately be called ‘Corporatism’ because it is a merger of State and corporate power”. Mussolini

Indeed to this very day in 2024 the Nazi term ‘Gleichschaltung’; ‘the process of erasure by which the Nazi regime successively established a system of totalitarian control and coordination over all aspects of society; from the economy and trade associations to the media, culture, [sport] and education’succinctly sums up the British State colonial control over Scotland’s economy, media, national psyche and sense-of-self.

You see with Scotland having been largely pacified through the State school omission of much of our own history to seal us within a media-fronted post-WWII ‘Britwashed’ history, It continues to try to wear down our resolve and morale throughout our daily lives via a normalised, yet deliberately orchestrated combination of corporate branding, broadcast and social media amplification and political policy and propaganda gaslighting.

Again, in strategic military terms this is known as ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ or ‘Fifth Generation Warfare’ – all of which is in preparation for the impending ‘Final Solution’ war they intend to wage on Scotland via Ukraine, Taiwan or Israel/Iran.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting”. Sun Tzu

‘This is why I strongly suspect the ‘UK Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’ are the same UK Government strategic organisation, which under the pretence of working for Scotland (& Wales) has its own people embedded throughout our institutions, in order to periodically destabilise unity, hobble potential for growth and success, and thereby undermine confidence in ourselves as a nation. With the British Gleichschaltung ‘ground zero’ trigger engineered to reverberate at the Royal Navy nuclear submarine base at Faslane, it culminates in a single mobilisation ‘switch’ for war to bring it all together and in doing so is simultaneously designed to ‘unite’ the ‘British’ population in a mass stoic-victimhood bunker mentality under the prevailing British imperial/fascist construct’. ‘Gleichschaltung Gaslight: The Eradication of Scots Historic-Cultural Identity’ (2017)

All of which in tyrannical Soviet Russia’s terms is part of the ‘Active Measures’ preparatory Britwashing work designed to converge with a single UK ‘National Emergency’ militarisation switch to effectively begin erasing Scotland once and for all; and for which the Orwellian Party’s first attempt via the Royal Navy nuclear submarine base near Scotland’s most populous City of Glasgow, was about blame Iran in order to secure both countries oil in perpetuity whilst self-righteously ‘justifying’ the mobilisation of an irreversible British-American led global-fascism.

“It takes only six weeks to bring a country to crisis, after which, with a violent change of power, structure and economy, you have the period of ‘normalisation’ which may last indefinitely”. Yuri Bezmenov, ex-KGB PsyOps Specialist (1984)

‘Formalising the US/UK ‘Special Relationship’, the newly installed PM BORIS JOHNSON was supposed to have ‘united’ Great Britain and the ‘democratic’ western world against Iran, who would be blamed for the 2016/17 WannaCry ‘cyberattack’ on the NHS and Houses of Parliament computers. And in turn would align with the new US President DONALD TRUMP [NOW BIDEN] who would provide US economic and military ‘assistance’ in Brexit Britain i.e. a coup d’etat’. (The exact same Orwellian US/UK-led playbook to get NATO into WWIII is being pursued today via Ukraine, Taiwan and now Israel/Iran – to reverberate back to Glasgow as per the original plan). ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ – A Trigger for Global Fascism’ (2018)

However as I’ve alluded, that plan was thwarted in Berlin. The details of which I wrote about in this piece;

“Intuition and imagination are more important than knowledge. Imagination embraces the entire world giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research”. Einstein

‘I was right when I backed myself in Berlin and warned the Bundes Polizie and Irish Embassy in 2017. And I’m still right today. Anglo-American fascism is upon us – it just needs to militarise and mobilise which it’s been desperately trying to do via Ukraine (& NOW VIA GAZA/ISRAEL/IRAN) in order to specifically bring it back to the UK’s nuclear submarine base at Faslane near Glasgow to justify US & UK militarised ‘National Emergencies’ which will be made to chain-react across ALL NATO/EU ‘democracies’. And so as those missing recordings will demonstrate; what we’re witnessing today is not the rise of fascism but the flailing remnants of the Orwellian ‘Party’ trying to recover their original agenda which they desperately need, in order to get it back on its concentration camp train tracks’. ‘Warning Berlin 2017: The ‘Missing’ German Federal & Irish Embassy Recordings’ (2023)

And this is how through actual violence and theatrical victimhood, the British State disposes of unwanted competition and to steal natural resources;

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident”. Schopenhauer

‘The British construct needs to perpetuate cyclical wars, conflicts, domestic atrocities and adversities in order to psychologically demoralise, emotionally destabilise and yet ‘galvanise’ the population in an adversity steeped ‘stoic-victimhood’ or ‘bunkered’ mindset which is absolutely vital to bind the British ‘theatre’ together. And in doing so manipulate the masses to “manufacture consent” (Chomsky) for popular permission to orchestrate further cycles of violence and psychological warfare against any groups deemed a threat to its existence. Therefore to ensure its very survival the British construct is incentivised to sustain periodical attacks on itself, in order to cynically hijack the moral ‘high-ground’ time and again – simply by waging wars against its own manufactured ‘enemies’. ‘Violence & Victimhood: How The British & Israeli Construct Persists’ (2023)

(If you relate to my work or see my realpolitik logic, can I ask you to share my ‘Gaslighting Gilliganlinks directly to your own accounts without tagging me in, as both Facebook and Twitter are suppressing mine. I’m already on a permanent shadow-ban however this became far more restrictive than ever due to the success of the ‘Violence & Victimhood’ piece above. As a direct result I’m virtually invisible on social media and therefore need you to share my links if we’re to avert the worst of the impending atrocities – particularly in post-Brexit ‘Global Britain’. Thank you).

And so what we refuse to process and acknowledge – given the evidence of what the US, UK and Israeli ‘Balfour Declaration Cartel’ have been conducting in Gaza since 7th October – it is quite clear they’ve long-prepared to mass murder their ‘way out’ of the hole they’ve dug for themselves.

Therefore given this evidence and their consistent genocidal patterns of behaviour in Iraq, Yemen and Gaza, what we have to consciously process and acknowledge is that they must carry out the exact same atrocities against their own citizens domestically in the US, UK, Israel and beyond, if they are to avoid prison – or worse.

And the reason we can’t see that is? It’s simply because we’re operating emotionally and not thinking cognitively or engaging in the actual brutal realpolitik.

Instead the collective ‘we’ are being driven emotionally, patriotically, nostalgically and indeed red, white and blue ‘romantically’ to our own indoctrinated destruction; such is the pull to remain in the pyrrhic ‘safety’ of the very British herd that allows its acolytes to protect their world views and as such to see the reflected version of themselves. I mean let’s face it; no-one wants to see a monster in the mirror right?

All of which – being as they’re pseudo-religious, corporate military conquest replicas of the dogmatic British imperial construct – also applies to the inhabitants of the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand – aka the ‘Five Eyes’ – as well as other Commonwealth ‘democracies’.

You see through the increasing intensity of the UK Government’s policies and propaganda driven ‘Hostile Environment’, if the 1% do succeed in achieving their descent to hell on Earth within UK, then as both history and our current crop of Tory and Labour, US Republican and Democrat political ‘leaders’ already shows us; there are those ‘ordinary people’ who lacking morality and perceiving themselves to be beyond any consequences for their actions – are only too willing to become unthinking wolves instead of unthinking sheep.

“Eichmann utterly surrendered that single-most human defining quality: that of being able to THINK. And consequently he was no longer capable of making moral judgements. This inability to THINK created the possibility for many ordinary men to commit evil deeds on a gigantic scale, the likes of which had never been seen before… And I hope that THINKING gives people the strength to prevent catastrophes in these rare moments when the chips are down”. Hannah Arendt

Well the “chips are down” and they have been for years. All It is lacking is its militarisation and global mobilisation trigger.

“People can always be brought to war. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists as lacking patriotism. It works the same in any country”. Hermann Goering

‘The Ukraine-Russia war [& NOW VIA ISRAEL/GAZA to draw-in Russia’s ally IRAN] is intended to mobilise the ‘Five Eyes’ cartel and NATO against Russia in order to reverberate back to the Royal Navy nuclear submarine Faslane near Glasgow. And simultaneously declare a UK National Emergency and then Martial Law in order to pretext ‘justify’ temporarily suspending British ‘democracy’, which will then engineer a global western chain-reaction to usher in joined-up, permanent and orchestrated Orwellian police states in each – in the US and across the European Union countries – i.e. Ireland’. ‘Ukraine to Faslane: Glasgow – The Gaslight Ground Zero for Global Britain & Five Eyes Fascism’ (2022)

“A pound spent in Croydon is of far more monetary value to the country than a pound spent in Strathclyde.” Boris Johnson (2012)

And so because we’ve not been thinking, we’ve collectively buried our irrational, cattle-corralled heads since the 2008 banking crash and bail outs; throughout the subsequent class war austerity ‘economics’ designed to drive destitution, deprivation of dignity and induce a mass depression – especially in men – who yearning for their self-respect, esteem and purpose are primed to pour their meaning into a military uniform.

We have remained docile through all the Brexit referendum illegalities; through all manner of COVID-related corruptions; we sat zombie-like as we witnessed Boris Johnson’s repeated sabotages of peace talks between Ukraine and Russia as he tried to get NATO into WWIII and most recently; we’ve done exactly same thing as we watched the ‘United’ Kingdom’s abstention support for Israel’s full-blown ‘Lebensraum’ genocide in Gaza and the West Bank.

Aye sure, a few million people marched in protest around European cities but well-behaved marches simply aren’t enough to stop the Zionist Einsatzgruppen units in Gaza.

And so the more astute of you will observe that by hiding from these disturbing and yet inevitable truths – their elitist carnage, their normalised atrocities – have been escalating.

But what you don’t understand is that it’s intended to escalate further with a far more ruthless approach on the British mainland – centred initially in Strathclyde to incorporate and socioeconomically destabilise Glasgow then work its way across the M8 corridor to Edinburgh aka the ‘Central Belt’, where some 4 million of Scotland’s 5.5 million inhabitants live and work – and which just also happens to contain the richest fracking seams in Scotland.

So what I’m trying to tell you is; if they succeed – the Gaza atrocities will be dwarfed. And so regardless of whether they succeed or not, through our docile inaction we’ve inadvertently ‘stored-up’ an unimaginable amount of pain for ourselves – which will have to be vented.

The good news is that their failure and the scale of casualties is in our hands, but only if we are individually cognisant and collectively conscious of the direction towards whom this biblical betrayal needs to be vented; i.e. upwardly towards the corporate-political class and not horizontally across society against other working class demographics. As such our fate can still be in our own hands – especially so if you’re a working class serving member of the UK Armed Forces.

And so as with any public figure in which trust and/or an emotional investment has been made, most of you will still want to ‘rationalise’ Galloway’s Phoenix-like rise back into frontline UK politics and in doing so, dismiss or even vent anger towards me simply for setting out the evidence as to why Galloway is no friend of the truth, consistency, democracy and certainly no friend of the innocent men, women and children of Gaza, or of wider Islam.

Indeed he’s quite the reverse. He’s a covert narcissist whose sole obsession – like the overwhelming majority of his Brexiteer contemporaries – is himself; and his personal profit in the form of wealth, status and power.

Hmmmm… who else do we know that fits that very description?

“There are no disasters, only opportunities. And indeed opportunities for fresh disasters”. Boris Johnson (2003)

‘Fascism, steeped in pathological hypocrisy, superiority entitlement and inveterate victimhood, is the group-characteristic extension of narcissism and is the Machiavellian-patriotic, militarised business model extension of joint Government and corporate engineered crisis-capitalism’. ‘Characteristics Of An Individual Narcissist & A Fascist State’ (©2017)

So what we face now is a one-sided, short-sharp British State manufactured ‘revolution’ which will ‘legitimately’ attempt to put-down ‘troublesome’ regional pockets within England i.e. within the affirmed anti-Establishment City of Liverpool and wider Merseyside, as well in North East of England. And yes of course – most definitely in and around those impending corporate-military run ‘Freeport’s’.

And by having strategically placed their own UK para/military intelligence assets on the ground – including brown-skinned “young men of fighting age” brought in by British State sponsored people traffickers – and having saturated social media with Scottish independence agitprop plants acting as ‘activists’ and political actors on all ‘sides’ – including within the Scottish National Party…

…the British cartel working with their fascist Quislings will simultaneously attempt to manufacture a civil war – just as they did in ‘Northern Ireland’ to spark ‘The Troubles’ in order to ‘justify’ their ongoing occupational presence; this time doing so in fresh drinking water, oil, gas and tidal renewables energy rich Scotland – just as Israel is doing in natural resources rich Gaza – with the UK Prime Minister Rushi Sunak filling his pockets with blood money which the mainstream media wants to divert you from.

“The object of the war waged by the ruling group against its own subjects is not for victory over either Eurasia or Eastasia, but to keep the [hierarchical] structure of society intact”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

This is why we’ve been subjected to an emotionalising and fear-laden re-run of the ‘Iraq WMD’ propaganda playbook which is “manufacturing consent” (Chomsky) to support sending US/UK and NATO troops to ‘aid’ their own puppet Zelenskyy in order to widen the Ukraine war into the Western European theatre.

The immediate and inevitable aim is to enable the UK Conservative Government, supported by Starmer’s Labour Party, to pretext declare the UK National Emergency they desperately need to ‘request’ Biden for US military support, in order to militarise their own Putin dark-money bankrolled Brexit coup via ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ on mainland Britain. This is why regardless of whichever mobilisation story they sell us;

‘Tory Militarisation of UK Is Inevitable’ (2022)

So remember that when the shit finally hits the fan in the dis-‘United’ Kingdom; hell hath no fury like a narcissistic, trilby hatted pin-striped fascist scorned;

“If the day should ever come when we must go, if some day we are compelled to leave the scene of history, we will slam the door so hard that the universe will shake and mankind will stand back in stupefaction”. Joseph Goebbels


As with some of my previous pieces dedicated to the memory of inspirational figures such as Sinead O’Connor, Delores O’Riordan of The Cranberries and my Mum and Dad who’ve both passed away since I’ve been writing this blog (they both had the COVID jabs) I want to dedicate this piece to the memory of Aaron Bushnell.

His ultimate sacrifice for humanity will not be in vain…

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience”. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


“The trouble with fiction is that it makes too much sense. Reality never makes sense”. Aldous Huxley

‘Fascism, steeped in pathological hypocrisy, superiority entitlement and inveterate victimhood, is the group-characteristic extension of narcissism and is the Machiavellian-patriotic, militarised business model extension of joint Government and corporate engineered crisis-capitalism’. ‘Characteristics Of An Individual Narcissist & A Fascist State’ (©2017)

Gaslighting Gilligan’ by Johnny McNeill; a contemporary dystopian ‘fiction’ about the intrinsic, interconnectedness of both personal & State-political domestic abuse, was released from Berlin on 25th June 2017. It is copyright ©️ but is a *free*-to-share public-service PDF download from here.

Twitter: @GasGilligan