by Johnny McNeill – ex British Army Sgt Major with 25 years served with operational tours of Iraq and Bosnia. And self-published author of ‘Gaslighting Gilligan‘ (© 2017 – free download – released via Berlin on 25th June 2017).

“The best propaganda is that which works invisibly to penetrate the whole of life, without the public having any knowledge of its propagandistic initiative”. Joseph Goebbels

(25-30 mins) The LGBT supra-propaganda overload continued yesterday with the latest corporate-political, agitation propaganda (agitprop) gimmick which has replaced the England flag with the ‘Bi-sexual flag’ on its national football strip.

Note also the WASPI pensions headline – driven via policy to fabricate and foment another divisive thread of gender-specific agitation propaganda

This move by Nike wouldn’t be out of place had it been launched on April Fool’s Day – when the Scottish Government’s ‘Hate Crime Act’ does actually come into effect. I perceive both propaganda efforts will be short-lived, though each Orwellian initiative will play a part in taking collateral casualties.

Notwithstanding the observable fact that our so-called ‘Opposition’ parties in England, Wales and in Scotland are all in bed with the Tories – or as Orwell called them; ‘The Party’ – their collective globalist efforts still manage to mask the historical and contemporary role of corporates – especially US corporates – in fascism. And yes, sportswear corporates too.

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”. Benito Mussolini

German companies such as Adidas, IG Farben, Bayer, BMW, VW etc…

…and America’s IBM, IT&T, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Standard Oil, Coca-Cola and Gillette (see Gillette’s 2019 ad below) all collaborated with the Nazi Party, without whom the regime could never have gained traction in Germany, never mind become the ‘front’ for WWII.

“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human”. Aldous Huxley

You see what is sold to western populations as liberal ‘woke’ ideology is actually in and of itself a fascist ploy to divide societies and to predictably channel the actual target demographicworking class white heterosexual men and womenemotionally and behaviourally towards fascism; doing so with its relentlessly persistent reverse psychology assault on the existing cultural belief systems (remember the ‘attacks’ and the subsequent right-wing ‘defence’ of British statues? Or the ‘ban’ on Rule Britannia?) And of course by attacking biological facts or in other words – by attacking common sense itself.

But the thing is; it’s all the same 1% billionaire-owned, joint political policy AND ‘push and pull propaganda machine waging war on the 99% working masses.

With their corporate arm providing the propaganda red-meat, the Orwellian Party’s *very own* GB ‘News’ outriders ‘Men’s Rights Activist’ Martin Daubney and ‘historian’ (he isn’t!) Neil Oliver, feign disgust at Nike’s decision and pretend to stand for ‘good old fashioned English/British working class values’ – as well as other agitprop platitudes and recycled cliches etc etc.

By dividing society the billionaire class get us to target each other which upon their militarisation trigger, will see minority demographics bear the brunt of the ‘Krystallnacht’ violence meted out by the frustrated, worn-down majority demographics.

And it will of course imprison those who carry out such violence – unless of course they’re British State security and intelligence agents whose roles are to escalate civil unrest. I strongly suspect we’ll be seeing such State actors being deployed in Scotland.

In this modern era, whilst the corporates and political State foment violence by arbitrarily and forcibly imposing unworkable laws open to abuse, the violence itself which will always be perpetrated and perpetuated by State agents on ALLsides’, will be used as the cyclical pretext to keep the military on the streets.

And thereby having parcelled-up the populace into manageable groups and by creating their own pretexts to deploy military force domestically in ‘UK’, US and beyond, the British elitist establishment too, through their political puppets working with the mainstream media and their ‘social’ media agitprop plants – again on ALLsides’ – both north and south of the border; Tory, Labour and SNP – all working in fascist lockstep to engineer the war they desperately need…

In October 2017 at an SNP CND meeting in Glasgow and not realising at the time he – like the vast majority of the 2015 SNP Westminster intake – were actually complicit, I informed Stewart McDonald MP that Brexit and Trump were the same fascist coup d’etat. And that the US/UK needed a major war to succeed. In the above Times piece here he is trying to inculcate a propagandist ‘moralistic’ case specifically within the minds of Scots, to commit resources to Ukraine which if successful, would then be seamlessly used to coerce and guilt-shame Scotsmen to ‘volunteer’ to enlist for war.

…upon which they collectively intend to make efficient work of putting down the entire population to establish their dictatorship; the pivotal key to which are the millions of white heterosexual working class men…

…who are also the 95% demographic that makes up not only the British Army and US Marines but of global western armies as whole.

As such whilst they’ve become infinitely more sophisticated and organised, the role of today’s corporates in this now truly global fascist construct is still fundamentally no different from a century ago.

“The most powerful form of lie is the omission”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

All that’s changed is;

a) that unlike the Holocaust itself, the corporate-Nazi relationship roles were omitted from our State school ‘education’ and thereby their historical roles were not cognitively cemented in our pre/adolescence and ingrained into the mass consciousness as an everyday fact of fascism.


“A media [& political] system wants an ostensible diversity which conceals an actual uniformity”. Joseph Goebbels

b) in the 21st century the corporate media’s relentless messaging isn’t simply broadcast via a Volkskempfanger radio (below) as it was when launched by the Nazi Party’s Joseph Goebbels in 1933 – who of course had complete control over its output. Because today its “uniformity” broadcast power feigning “an ostensible [left/right] diversity” (like it’s political component) has some 90 years later technologically evolved to become utterly inescapable through ‘the flatscreen universe; cinematic, TV and tablet’.

“Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.” Joseph Goebbels

That same corporate-Nazi evolution never ceased and indeed can be seen in the entirely orchestrated and utterly contrived global-fascist ‘revolution’ we’re witnessing today, not only in mainstream broadcasting and print media, and Facebook & Twitter etc to divide and conquer the masses, which political scientist Lawrence Britt bullet-pointed ‘RAMPANT SEXISM’ on his ‘Early Warning Signs of Fascism’ placard…

“We have cut the links between child and parent, between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

…but also in banks, essential utility companies; energy, water, food and land management etc, as well as in entertainment industries, sports marketing and governing body boardrooms – especially in white male dominated football and rugby – with the corporate suits at ‘The’ Football Association and ‘The’ Rugby Football Union being no exception.

Of course neither needs to stipulate they’re specifically England’s governing bodies because this island – so the British supra-propaganda programming keeps telling us – has only ever comprised of one ‘country’. 🎼There’ll always be an England🎼 right? Right..?

“Propaganda does not deceive people; it allows them to deceive themselves”. Eric Hoffer

‘The British construct cannot exist without adversity; internal or external, or without an enemy; real or imagined. Which is why it manufactures them – to toxically and egotistically ‘galvanise’ the fabricated ‘stoic-victim’ and exceptionalism mentality needed to bind the British propaganda illusion. And explains why we ‘children’ will always be at war with someone until we break the UK aristocrat-engineered cycles of our own indoctrinated destruction. Regardless of pretext, Tory militarisation of Brexit Britain is inevitable’. ‘The Real Last UK Colony: The English Working Masses’ (2017)

“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. In the long run a hierarchical society was only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

Which is why working with austerity driven deprivation of dignity, as well as dividing populations with the ‘RAMPANT SEXISM‘ propaganda construct, It simultaneously demonises, dehumanises and mass emasculates men to channel them towards finding a ‘political refuge’ in the far-right i.e. the UK Tories and US Republicans – and hence the role of corporates – particularly through media propaganda – to collectively drive the herd in their predetermined direction.

“The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

This is why the political ‘right’ today quite absurdly, purports to be the exclusive bastion of ‘common sense’ and men’s and boys rights which are quite literally married into one propagandist ‘pull’ to draw-in disenfranchised males.

“Crimestop, in short, means [self]protective stupidity. But stupidity is not enough. On the contrary, orthodoxy in the full sense demands a control over one’s own mental processes as complete as that of a contortionist over his body.” Orwell, ‘1984’.

But of course the unlike Philip Davies MP who in 2017 was but a single understated ‘rogue’ representative campaigning for men and boys rights, is now in 2024 being joined by his Conservative Party who are now desperately – though subtly – beginning to raise their profile to ‘support’ men’s issues.

“If you’re a man, you’re the last man. Your kind is extinct. We are the inheritors. Do you understand that you’re alone? You are outside of history. You unexist”. Orwell, ‘1984.’

However they’re only doing this now in order to appear to be the political ‘choice’ for men…

“Invading Iran, taking it over and then coercing it into becoming a different sort of country would take a MILLION MEN”. Fmr Royal Navy First Sea Lord – Admiral West

…in sheer desperation. This is because their original mass military recruitment plan via the failed 2017 ‘#OpFukuglaschu’ trigger to blame Iran was less visible back then, when the ‘push and pull’ propaganda channelling was to have been ‘led’ by Fuhrer figure Donald Trump and the pound-shop Churchillian-parody Boris Johnson who between them – these ‘Pied Piper’ puppets – were supposed to give two hundred million men on both sides of the Atlantic Bridge their patriotic pride and meaning ‘back’ in militarism.

Hence why Boris Johnson personally sabotaged Ukraine-Russia peace talks, because it’s this exact same Orwellian US/UK-led ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ playbook to get NATO into WWIII that’s still being pursued today via Ukraine, Taiwan and now Israel to draw-in Iran and their strategic ally Russia, in order to escalate to the nuclear footing they need to reverberate back to Glasgow as per the original plan, and in turn is needed to declare their UK ‘National Emergency’ and to impose Martial Law within a British fascist Police State – beginning in Scotland.

“It takes only six weeks to bring a country to crisis, after which, with a violent change of power, structure and economy, you have the period of ‘normalisation’ which may last indefinitely”. Yuri Bezmenov, ex-KGB PsyOps Specialist (1984)

‘Formalising the US/UK ‘Special Relationship’, the newly installed PM BORIS JOHNSON was supposed to have ‘united’ Great Britain and the ‘democratic’ western world against Iran, who would be blamed for the 2016/17 WannaCry ‘cyberattack’ on the NHS and Houses of Parliament computers. And in turn would align with the new US President DONALD TRUMP [NOW BIDEN] who would provide US economic and military ‘assistance’ in Brexit Britain i.e. a coup d’etat’. ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ – A Trigger for Global Fascism’ (2018)

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.” Joseph Goebbels

And which upon mass mobilisation – this toxic concoction of relentless male-dehumanisation, deprivation of dignity and mass induced depression – combined with a renewed sense of patriotism in the Farage-Johnson fronted Brexit and in the Trump ‘MAGA’ Presidency – was to further channel impressionable young men to overcompensate for their sexless existences and to ‘rediscover’ their austerity-skint, guilt-shamed and patriotic poverty purpose in a military uniform.

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in shapes of your own choosing”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

‘‘This gaslighting set-up is not only taking place through a combination of Government policies but by relentless TV ‘supra-propaganda‘ overload which is designed in part, to see the LGBT communities as a whole at the forefront of a societal backlash carried out by #MeToo demonised heterosexual men and ‘TERF’ dehumanised heterosexual women – just as identifiable minorities were set-upon, having been set-up by Nazi bloodletting Krystallnacht design upon a fascist trigger for war…

“When we can cut man from his own past, then we can cut him from his family, his children and other men. We control life. At all levels. We create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable”. Orwell ‘1984’.

…Ultimately the corporate State elite and ‘Family Courts’ cartel don’t care which children they separate from which parent, just as long as they psychologically and emotionally destabilise and induce a depression in everyone involved. However the principal aim is to tear sons away from their fathers – removing their natural male role model – by facilitating false accusations proceedings so that father’s are forced out of their children’s lives, regularly commit suicide and their broken boys specifically then yearn to find a replacement male role model in gangs, then corporate profiteering prisons, but most ideally – in the military as patriotic ‘volunteers‘. Collectively it could be described as a ‘prison-military industrial complex’. ‘Early Warning Signs of Fascism: The #MeToo (&🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️) Truth of ‘Rampant Sexism’ (2020)

“To quite a terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions brought about by nothing more than psychological epidemics. At any moment several million human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution”. Carl Jung

Since 2016/17 I’ve come to understand – as you all will too – that fascism is not the exclusive preserve of the far-right as we’d always been indoctrinated. It spans the entire political spectrum from left to right and back again to envelope entire populations within a fake, though lethal pseudo-‘reality’ soap in which a certain type of toxic character thrives; the narcissist.

And as such I’ve been able to process what fascism really is;

‘Fascism, steeped in pathological hypocrisy, superiority entitlement and inveterate victimhood, is the group-characteristic extension of narcissism and is the Machiavellian-patriotic, militarised business model extension of joint Government and corporate engineered crisis-capitalism’. ‘Characteristics Of An Individual Narcissist & A Fascist State’ (©2017)

And this is how and why through this journey of ‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ (©2017) and like many authors of dystopian ‘fictions’ who ‘translate’ the fascist realpolitik trapped within a ‘Kitcheners Karpman Kleptocracy – The Contemporary KKK’ (page 117) to warn of the imminent totalitarian threats, I was not only able to create a ‘fictitious’ State setting…

…I was also able to see when It was to be triggered during July 2017 but most crucially – I was able to formulate and successfully execute my plan to warn Berlin beforehand.

Video recorded on 25th June 2018, on the first anniversary of going to Berlin and warning the German Bundes Polizei & Irish Embassy on 250617, of the inevitable #ToryAnalytica coup d’etat militarisation of Brexit and the arrival of a US/UK-led global fascism;

“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

The details of which – from landing in Berlin to being arrested, handcuffed and committed to the psychiatric ward of the Charité Hospital for my troubles – are here;

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident”. Schopenhauer

‘I was right when I backed myself in Berlin and warned the Bundes Polizie and Irish Embassy in 2017. And I’m still right today. Anglo-American fascism is upon us – it just needs to militarise and mobilise which it’s been desperately trying to do via Ukraine (& NOW VIA GAZA/ISRAEL/IRAN) in order to specifically bring it back to the UK’s nuclear submarine base at Faslane near Glasgow to justify US & UK militarised ‘National Emergencies’ which will be made to chain-react across ALL NATO/EU ‘democracies’ And so as those missing recordings will demonstrate; what we’re witnessing today is not the rise of fascism but the flailing remnants of the Orwellian ‘Party’ trying to recover their original agenda which they desperately need, in order to get it back on its concentration camp train tracks’. ‘Warning Berlin 2017: The ‘Missing’ German Federal & Irish Embassy Recordings’ (2023)

‘When the Tories told us in 2018 they had a self-serving plan called ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ to militarise their own Putin dark-money bankrolled Brexit – we really should’ve had a big long chat about what that actually meant for ‘democracy’. And just as importantly – why the UK mainstream media and online ‘alternate’ media didn’t. Regardless of pretext (Ukraine/Taiwan/Iran etc) Tory militarisation of UK is inevitable and Starmer’s Labour and the British media will attempt to ‘validate’ it, placate, blame and guilt-shame the population into a ‘unifying’ compliance within a brutal fascist Police State’. ‘Tory Militarisation of UK Is Inevitable’ (2022)

“I believe in intuition and inspiration. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research”. Einstein

“Unfortunately militarisation of UK is inevitable. Be it by their own trigger or by some minor event that snowballs somewhere” – only a couple of weeks ago on TNT Radio: ‘Locked & Loaded’ With Rick Munn


“The trouble with fiction is that it makes too much sense. Reality never makes sense”. Aldous Huxley

Gaslighting Gilligan’ by Johnny McNeill; a contemporary dystopian ‘fiction’ about the intrinsic, interconnectedness of both personal & State-political domestic abuse, was released from Berlin on 25th June 2017. It is copyright ©️ protected but is a *free*-to-share public-service PDF download from here.

Twitter: @GasGilligan