by Johnny McNeill – ex British Army Sgt Major with 25 years served with operational tours of Iraq and Bosnia. And self-published author of ‘Gaslighting Gilligan‘ (© 2017 – free download – released via Berlin on 25th June 2017).

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident”. Schopenhauer

Yesterday a significant breakthrough for ‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ happened on Caledon Radio (link embedded below) after seven years of trying to warn Scots and the wider world of the attempts by the British-American establishment elitists to get NATO into a war since July 2017.

However with the original plan having been catastrophically interrupted in Berlin via the German Bundes Polizei and Irish Embassy on the 25th June 2017, their collective subsequent attempts to get their war plans back on track have taken place via Ukraine to get a direct NATO confrontation with Russia.

However with that also having failed they’ve continued via Taiwan and also Israel’s genocide in Gaza to tempt Iran into a regional war, so that Iran would ultimately call on their strategic ally Russia for support, which NATO intends to use as justification to get into a war.

All of which, with the original 2017 militarisation plan having failed to be ‘Gleichschaltung’ triggered via Faslane in Scotland during the first year of the orchestrated Trump Presidency and Brexit ‘referendum’ – to mobilise a US/UK-led global fascism – is still today working with the Biden administration, trying to escalate ‘Global Britain’ towards the same nuclear footing.

This is being engineered to provide the Tory Government, the wider British establishment including Keir Starmer’s ‘Friends of Israel’ Labour and the wholesale UK corporate media – their PlanB pretext to declare the ‘National Emergency’ they all so desperately need – by providing their own war-footing ‘cover’ needed to implement their 2018 revealed Brexit militarisation plan ‘OPERATION YELLOWHAMMER’.

It’s the same plan (minus the external ‘enemy’ pretext) for which the UK corporate media through subtle propaganda repetition, helped to normalise the prospect of military deployment. And with the entire political ‘left’ element including the Scottish National Party, British Labour in Wales and the online ‘alternate’ media in both Indy ‘activist’ Scotland and ‘centrist’ England all collectively going AWOL and failing to make #OPYELLOWHAMMER the inter/national discussion it should have beenalso allowed the prospect of deployment to become ‘normalised’.

So that by a year later when Michael Gove and co ‘half-heartedly’ trotted it out in 2019 there was barely a peep from the general public…

…even though the deployment was to be the direct result of their own ideological, looming ‘Hard Brexit’ deadline, not to ‘support’ Brexit as they claimed but to overthrow democracya coup d’etat – from which they pulled back from the brink, before actually triggering their fledgling fascist Police State.

“Original minds are not distinguished by being the first to see a new thing, but instead seeing the old, familiar thing that is overlooked as something new”. Nietzsche

In this context Norrie and I also spoke about the inevitable militarisation of UK, the true aims of both the 2014 Scottish Independence ‘referendum’ and the 2016 ‘UK’ aka English Brexit ‘referendum’, in order to position and ‘parachute in’ all their own Orwellian politician, ‘journalist’ and high-profile ‘activist’ chess-pieces on seemingly ‘opposing sides’ but who are working together.

Yes these plants on all ‘sides’ inveigled their way into our emotionally invested trust in preparation to divide the working classes of Scotland, England and Wales via all manner of identity politics policies and propaganda – especially via sex, sexuality and entirely invented ‘genders’.

This was/is to engineer and put down a short sharp ‘revolution’ south of the border but also to wage a protracted one-sided Civil War in Scotland designed to justify in the eyes of the world – and ‘history’ – a decades-long British, US and/or UN/NATO military presence.

During which they intend to extract Scotland’s vast natural resources through the fascist gateway legislation called the ‘Internal Market Act’ (2021) – a 1933 Nazi Enabling Act – via the subsequent joined-up, corporate and politically orchestrated ‘SEZ’s’, ‘Green Freeports’ and ‘National Parks’ with a ruthlessly fascist efficiency which is wholly reliant on achieving a catastrophic nuclear trigger which will seamlessly ‘justify’ the US/UK corporate aristocracy’s militarised National Emergency cover they need to ‘legitimately’ and to brutally put-down protest in a US-backed British Police State.

And it’s trigger which we’re now being psychologically softened-up for, to anticipate as being as likely to occur as not – via a nuclear ‘accident’ in Scotland’s Clyde estuary – right next to our most populated city of Glasgow.

“The consequences of every act are included in the act itself”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

With thanks to Norrie Hunter for his open mind and the Caledon Radio platform to be able to warn fellow Scots and his wider global audience – which I have to admit after seven years of trying – I’ve found to be quite a cathartic experience.

Link embedded within the flame (duration 1hr 20mins)

(And apologies for my “right”, ‘right”, “right” mannerism. It even annoyed me listening to it! It’s just enthusiasm having finally been able to share my ‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ insights with the Scots specific audience on a platform with a highly regarded Scottish independence voice).

Thumbnail photo credit: Cliff Purvis of ‘Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0’


“The trouble with fiction is that it makes too much sense. Reality never makes sense”. Aldous Huxley

‘Fascism, steeped in pathological hypocrisy, superiority entitlement and inveterate victimhood, is the group-characteristic extension of narcissism and is the Machiavellian-patriotic, militarised business model extension of joint Government and corporate engineered crisis-capitalism’. ‘Characteristics Of An Individual Narcissist & A Fascist State’ (©2017)

Gaslighting Gilligan’ by Johnny McNeill; a contemporary dystopian ‘fiction’ about the intrinsic, interconnectedness of both personal & State-political domestic abuse, was released from Berlin on 25th June 2017. It is copyright ©️ but is a *free*-to-share public-service PDF download from here.

Twitter: @GasGilligan