by Johnny McNeill – ex British Army Sgt Major with 25 years served with operational tours of Iraq and Bosnia. And self-published author of ‘Gaslighting Gilligan‘ (© 2017 – free download – released via Berlin on 25th June 2017).

Prologue: How we can know the Scots electorate is being played like a fiddle by the leading ‘Independence’ politicians and prominent online ‘activists’ who inveigled their way into our trust in 2014. But who are in observable fact – agitation propaganda plants whose ‘irreproachable’ roles are to destabilise Scotland on behalf of the British State which in its entire history, has never once simply let go of a typical colony peacefully, but instead wages violence and sows the seeds of future violence it can subsequently exploit.

Their 2014 IndyRef, 2015 Westminster General Election and 2016 Holyrood SNP MSP infiltration working with the complicit Scottish Greens to emotionally capture the Scots psyche, was/is to ensure that we would make a ‘hypnotic’, almost unbreakable emotional investment in each of these ‘Pied Pipers’ who are collectively leading us to our own destruction; doing so by fomenting civil unrest in Scotland through the SNP’s ‘Hate Crime’ legislation, in order to provide the pretext ‘justification’ for the UK (&US!) ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ plan to ultimately result in the militarised intervention they so desperately need to initiate their failing Brexit coup d’etat – that was originally intended to trigger during July 2017.

The HM Treasury ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ plan is to provide the ‘legitimising’ National Emergency militarisation cover they need to essentially ‘gift’ our natural resources; oil, gas, renewable energy and fresh water with minimal public resistance, and via the ongoing SNP ‘fire-sale’ to aid the UK Government to take ‘Internal Market Act’ control of our vital infrastructure and our highly profitable public services. All of which is to be ‘administered’ by US/UK corporate, political and private military contractor interests via the propagandist ‘SEZ’s’, ‘Green Freeports’ and ‘National Parks’ in order to ‘legally’ and with fascist efficiency – join-up vast tracts of land from coast-to-coast to streamline the extraction of Scotland’s wealth to south of the border and abroad – and of course into the ‘offshore’ bank accounts of all concerned.

“Though fraud in all other actions be odious, in matters of war it is laudable and glorious. And he who overcomes his enemies by such stratagem, is as much to be praised as he who overcomes them by force”. Machiavelli

Photographed in the hand of an unidentified Whitehall civil servant in September 2018, the document ‘inadvertently’ revealed the existence of the Tories Orwellian plan to paradoxically ‘militarise democracy’ which normalised by the UK corporate media, claimed to ‘support’ UK Brexit – but which in any sane world is actually a coup d’etat. This logical conclusion and indeed fundamental realpolitik fact went entirely ‘unnoticed’ and has since been deliberately propaganda omitted and ‘erased’ from the mass consciousness by both Labour and the SNP; and by all the prominent Scottish independence ‘journalists’ and ‘activist’ commentators, as well as by their high-profile ‘centrist’ colleagues in England – most of whom played key roles in ousting Jeremy Corbyn in 2019…

Intro: (15-18 mins) Some personal background, disclosure and logical interpretation housed in historical precedence.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Part One (15-18 mins) Orwellian “Orthodoxy”: The UK Gov ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ – “Militarising Democracy to ‘Support’ Democracy” aka A Coup D’etat & The ‘Leading’ Scottish Independence Commentariat’s Ongoing Lie by Omission.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Part Two (55-60 mins) Acknowledging British Colonial History That Wages Violence & Engineers Future/Legacy Violence It Can Exploit & Therefore Understanding The Actual ‘Dark Arts’ Aims of the 2014 Scottish Independence ‘Referendum’ which were/are;

I) 2014: Divide & Conquer – Made Ripe For A British State Engineered & A Propagandist ‘Civil War’ by Deploying Their Own Military Intelligence Assets.

II) 2015/16: Independence ‘Pied Pipers’ – for Election Infiltration & Saturation (Pending the Thwarted July 2017 ‘Op Fukuglaschu’).

III) July 2017: ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ – ‘The Original Trigger for Global Fascism’ – and ‘Warning Berlin’ via the German Federal Police & Berlin Irish Embassy on 25th June 2017.

IV) 2017 – Current Day: Invalidating, Dehumanising & Criminalising The Two Majority Demographics To Channel ALL Scotsmen and Scotswomen Towards An Orwellian Future – Op Yellowhammer ‘D-Notice’ Diktat (which in the absence of a nuclear footing via Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel/Iran is now being driven to part achieve objective ‘I’ and at the very minimum – provoke substantial pockets of mass civil unrest).

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Part Three (25-30 mins) The ‘Hate Crime’ Aims: Short Term – Creating Civil Unrest To Pretext Justify Operation Yellowhammer Militarisation & Long Term – Creating Collateral Casualties – Who They Could Be & How They Might Become So

“If human equality is to be forever averted — if the High, as we have called them, are to keep their places permanently — then the prevailing mental condition must be controlled insanity”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

Intro: (15-18 mins) This piece is written from the perspective of a Scottish independence supporter however I hope that not only independence supporters read it but also Unionists, English, Welsh and Irish and especially global western audiences will too, as the information that follows is applicable to you and the future of your children.

Despite everything – especially this recent ‘Hate Crime’ abomination which is intended to be a globally orchestrated ‘liberal’ trend working with the conventional right-wing – i.e. Orwell’s ‘Party’ – I remain a member of the Scottish National Party (SNP). As an ex soldier my view is if someone takes something that belongs to you – you take it back.

“You can ignore reality but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality”. Ayn Rand

Plus I understand how our emotions are propaganda manipulated to buffet our political ‘reality’ from one behavioural response to another – aka realpolitik; which is acknowledging what is actually taking place politically, rather than than what we assume or hope is happening, simply to keep us ‘safe’ in our ignorance or to force the political circumstances to fit with our existing biases and beliefs.

“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed”. Friedrich Nietzsche

As part of my effort to help you understand Scotland’s realpolitik – and of that far beyond – this piece will demonstrate how Scots specifically have been locked into the same Hostile Environment (stated Tory policy) ordinary Germans were in the 20th century. Only now in the 21st century the corporate media’s relentless messaging isn’t simply broadcast via a Volkskempfanger radio as it was when launched by the Nazi Party’s Joseph Goebbels in 1933 – who of course had complete and exclusive control over its output and those who spoke over it.

“A media (and political) system wants an ostensible diversity which conceals an actual uniformity”. Joseph Goebbels

Because today its “uniformity” broadcast power feigning “an ostensible [left/right] diversity” (like it’s political component) has some 90 years later technologically evolved to become utterly inescapable through ‘the flatscreen universe; cinematic, TV and tablet’.

As such by inveigling their way into our trust and indeed affections in 2014, far from ‘exposing’ the truth of the SNP’s totalitarian ‘Hate Crime’ legislation coming into effect on the 1st April, another two of the most prominent online shit-stirrers in Scotland – Orwellian plants ‘Reverend’ Stuart Campbell of ‘Wings Over Scotland’ and Neil Hanvey MP of the Alba Party (amongst others) have actually all worked together to engineer the hostile political environment necessary to enact this ‘Hate Crime’ legislation – on behalf of the British State.

“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end.” Orwell, ‘1984’.

In short; the Orwellian left of The Party have set it up for the Orwellian right of The very same Party – to militarily ‘rescue’ Scotland from itself.

And in doing so are together attempting to destabilise Police Scotland along with other emergency and public services which as a consequence, is intended to roll-out a red carpet for the desperately flailing British State to deploy military ‘support’ in Scotland. This will likely be framed as Military Aid to the Civil Police (MACP) but which is in fact part of the Tories ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ plan which was ‘exposed’ in 2018 to militarise their failing Brexit coup d’etat.

I’ll also demonstrate how by sustaining their orchestrated gender agitation propaganda (agitprop) campaign to divide Scots along the fabricated ‘LGBT/Hate Crime’ propaganda constructs the SNP, Wings *and* Alba Party are working together to foment these fault-lines and deliberately blur the political boundaries in an attempt to redefine the social fabric. Working on behalf of the Orwellian estate they are channelling the majority white heterosexual male and female demographics who are the principal targets of the ‘Hate Crime’ propaganda narrative, to find new ‘cause’ which makes ‘common ground’ specifically with Unionist politicians. And in doing so shape electoral perceptions and outcomes which result in Unionist gains, by theatrically channelling mindsets all-too-conveniently back into the welcoming arms of the British fascist construct – just as it’s on the brink of collapsing altogether.

“The great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances as though they were realities, and are often more influenced by the things that seem, rather than by those that are”. Machiavelli

And in doing so these three political entities have been largely responsible for keeping Scotland in a mutually-agitative ‘holding pattern’ – pending the Tories planned ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ trigger which they first openly attempted to implement in 2019, but which since has all but evaporated from the realpolitik – from the mass consciousness – as if it never existed at all.

This is because the so-called centre-left ‘alternate’ media and ‘liberal/centrist’ politicians in both Scotland and England have for the last five/six years – helped suppress and hide it by propaganda omission.

“To see what is front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

And indeed the key reason why the Tories and the illusion of ‘democracy’ in UK still persists at all, is because the ‘left’ – media and politicians – are through their efforts providing the overall construct with its ongoing resilience, which first attempted to trigger their war specifically via Israel in May 2021.

‘Going Nuclear: Gove & Netanyahu’s Endgame Gamble’ (2021)

This mutually-reinforced resilience works the same in the US and EU ‘democracies’ no matter who’s in power. This is why the US, UK and EU – with ever diminishing plausibility (as if there ever was!) have been able to continue facilitating Israel’s genocide in Gaza not only in a futile attempt to draw-in Iran whose leadership know the US/UK strategy, but have this time deliberately engineered the 7th October ‘attacks’ in order to carry out the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Why?

Well a) because ethnic-cleansing – of course b) the US, UK & Israeli 1917 Balfour Declaration Cartel want Palestine’s oil and gas for themselves – of course and c) by ensuring that the footage of Israel’s atrocities against innocent men, women and especially children has been allowed to swamp social media, the British Establishment intend to exploit the carnage.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

This is to mass manipulate the UK public’s emotions, drive anger, resentment and ultimately violence which upon ‘lighting the blue touch-paper’ through the Orwellian Party’s synchronised ‘Hate Crimes’ chaos in Scotland, as It inevitably spreads into England and Wales, they can blame the wider working masses for the resulting riots; and thereby pretext declare the National Emergency they desperately need to ‘justify’ their preplanned, Brexit ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ military deployment. And then blame the Scots for ‘starting’ it all! Of course!

‘Violence & Victimhood: How The British & Israeli Construct Persists (The Balfour Declaration Cartel)’ (2023)

Now, something important to understand from the outset is that before ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ became a ‘thing’ when was ‘inadvertently’ revealed in late 2018, in my June 2017 book I called it ‘Operation Fukuglaschu’ which was (still is) the joint US/UK-led fascist coup and mobilisation plan, that’s intended to take place via the Royal Navy Trident nuclear submarine base near Glasgow. And because from my ‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ perspective I could see how the ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ plan was going to be triggered via the 2016/17 WannaCry ‘cyberattacks’ on the National Health Service (NHS) and Houses of Parliament computers, I flew to Berlin to warn them;

Video recorded on 25th June 2018, on the first anniversary of going to Berlin and warning the German Bundes Polizei & Irish Embassy on 250617, of the inevitable #ToryAnalytica coup d’etat militarisation of Brexit and the arrival of a US/UK-led global fascism;

“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

Despite being thwarted however, the globalist propaganda machine has proceeded regardless – though with some variations to the original plan – particularly around the timing of COVID, the totalitarian lockdowns and the ‘vaccines’.

As such, being as Scotland was/is to be the US/UK-led ‘Five Eyes’ Ground Zero for Global Fascism…

…the British State with its exclusively owned mass media, its planted SNP/Alba politicians and ‘independence’ commentators, are mutually manufacturing a sustained ‘State’ of agitation in Scotland.

And as I’m going to explain; the combined and orchestrated efforts of the SNP, Wings Over Scotland and the Alba Party – primarily Neil Hanvey MP – in sticking to highly selective and narrow ‘safe’ scripts for the specific purpose of propaganda-fomenting Scotland into appearing to become an overnight ‘basket case’ – have all with their greater online reach been pivotal in protecting the wider Orwellian ‘RAMPANT SEXISM’ identity-politics agendas to deliberately divide Scots society;

“We have cut the links between child and parent, between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

And by flooding social media platforms to absorb readership and audiences with their gender agitprop, in conjunction with the permanent algorithm suppression of my Facebook and Twitter/X accounts, the collective globalist cartel have by-and-large buried my ‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ (©2017) works which expose the true and full Orwellian context of these so-called ‘gender wars’ which alongside other orchestrated globalist narratives will have ramifications far beyond ‘Global Britain’s’ shores.

‘The People’s Plague: Our ‘Failure’ To Comply With The Impossible’ (2020)

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Part One: (15-18 mins) Orwellian Orthodoxy: The Tories ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ – Militarising Democracy to ‘Support Democracy’ aka A Coup D’etat & The ‘Leading’ Scots Indy Commentariat’s Ongoing Lie by Propaganda Omission

Now, a very basic concept arising from the Tories ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ revelation which they claim was/is to ‘support’ Brexit – should have been a national conversation, which had it taken place in an actual genuine democracy would have arrived at a conclusion very similar to this;

‘Any democratic decision that needs to be enforced or ‘supported’ by a Government deployment of the military – i.e. the Tories ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ – in order it can maintain or secure political power via the streets, ports and infrastructure etc and thereby ‘police’ the very circumstances they themselves have created, is in fact in any conventional, consistent, rational-thinking and ‘functioning democracy’ – a coup d’etat’. ‘Brexit: All Roads Lead to Rome – Militarisation’ (2018)

The Northern Ireland Protocol, the Border ‘Solution’ in the Irish Sea – were all part of the same reactive and ongoing ‘holding pattern’ – as the ‘Global British’ Establishment scrambled for their ‘Plan B’ militarisation trigger.

Think about the hypocrisy of it; that both the British Government and the so-called ‘Opposition’ – united on austerity, on women’s WASPI pensions, Ukraine and Israel’s genocide in Gaza – have a plan for the ‘militarisation of democracy’ to erm… ‘support democracy’?! It’s utterly insane.

Worse still, of the thousands of people whom I’ve spoken with in person and online these last six years since ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ was revealed and who see my logic, they also at the same time appear to be bemused by the simplicity of my logic and altogether unmoved.

As such I’m often met with agreement but also a with a ‘shrug of the shoulders’ which given what’s at stake, has to be the most profound example of cognitive deficiency and unthinking Orwellian orthodoxy of all.

“Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity. But stupidity is not enough. On the contrary, orthodoxy in the full sense demands a control over one’s own mental processes as complete as that of a contortionist over his body.” Orwell, ‘1984’.

And so understand too; that in order for the existing power structures to remain in power and retain control post-Brexit, once they deploy the military onto the streets the troops would never be able to stand down and as such – we would be entering into a fledgling fascist British Police State and the death of UK ‘democracy’.

“One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one MAKES THE REVOLUTION in order to establish a dictatorship”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

And so then you have to ask yourself this; ‘Where have all the so-called centre-left politicians, ‘journalists’ and prominent online ‘activists’ been in both England and Scotland – in having this specific ‘Op Yellowhammer’ coup d’etat conversation?

The answer is simple; they were instructed go AWOL. They had to, to keep their impending ‘Op Yellowhammer’ militarisation beneath the realpolitik radar and away from your conscious thinking processes.

“You can’t change the masses. They will always be the same: dumb, gluttonous and forgetful”. Joseph Goebbels

Because just like the mainstream broadcast and print media who should have made the ‘Op Yellowhammer’ revelation a national conversation – they’re also part of the Orwellian gig whose original role was (is) to ‘validate’ the deployment and to placate, blame and guilt-shame the population into a ‘unifying’ compliance.

This is why having failed in their original July 2017 attempt the UK mainstream media, Tories, Labour and their ‘centrist’ journalists; James O’Brien, George Menbiot, Arron Bastani, Owen Jones et al – finally ousted Jeremy Corbyn in the 2019 ‘chicken coup’ to install both Starmer and Johnson.

As such, without the general public haven’t been given ‘permission’ to talk and therefore to think about the long-term totalitarian implications of ‘Op Yellowhammer’ – either by the BBC, ITN & Sky ‘News’, or by their Labour, SNP and Alba politicians.

Nor have we by Novara Media, Double Down News, Byline Times etc in England or in Scotland by Campbell’s Wings and Craig Murray – both of whom are well-practiced in steeping themselves in ‘stoic’ victimhood or playing the ‘reluctant martyr’ to garner sympathy and thereby reinforce their Indy ‘credentials’ – as well as other online ‘activist’ sources in Scotland – their ‘reporting’ on the Tories preplanned ‘Op Yellowhammer’ coup d’etat deployment that’s coming, has been risible, has not been sustained and therefore has not been ingrained into the Scots, Welsh or English mass consciousness.

Regardless of where on the political spectrum you perceive an individual, group, party or even ‘country’ to be, if they’ve a propensity to play ‘victim’ or ‘martyr’ – there’s a good chance they’re part of ‘The Party’ construct. This is because whether ‘left’ or ‘right’, manufactured victimhood is deployed by both ‘sides’ of The Party for each to illegitimately seize the moral high-ground. The followers of each ‘side’ then perceive they have the ‘righteous’ case and as an emotional-behavioural consequence – neither ‘side’ is willing to compromise or engage in productive dialogue.

This propaganda omission remains in place as we approach the 100% full ‘hard Brexit’ import/export checks due in October this year (if of course they don’t bottle it again in the absence of a war to mask the chaos effects and postpone it for a sixth time).

And so the very fact that all of these highly intelligent and politically astute ‘alternate’ media ‘journalists’ and ‘activists’ have failed to extrapolate the ‘Op Yellowhammer’ consequences for UK democracy – and warn you about them by repetition to drill it home – is by itself an observable red-flag that belies their conscious, deliberately omitted complicity in the plan.

A plan which had to be years in the making long before the 2016 Brexit referendum ‘result’ and which from the outset had to have involved senior elements of the Whitehall Civil Service, the Joint Intelligence Committee, the Parliamentary Intelligence & Security Committee, senior MoD figures such as the Chief of the Defence Staff, senior Commanders of police forces in England & Wales and of course – Police Scotland.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Part Two (55-60 mins) Acknowledging British Colonial History That Wages Violence & Engineers Future/Legacy Violence It Can Exploit & Therefore Understanding The Actual ‘Dark Arts’ Aims of the 2014 Scottish Independence ‘Referendum’

In its entire colonial history the British State has never once simply ‘let go’ of a resource-rich colony peacefully. Though in the case of Hong Kong they did make an exception for nuclear superpower China and its 2 million-man army – so hardly a ‘colony’ in the classic sense. Instead it wages violence and sows the seeds of future violence that It can later exploit. So it’s just a historical and logical fact that Scotland will be no exception – as we’re about to experience first hand – again.

“The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

So why did we naively believe the Westminster regime were prepared to simply ‘let Scotland go’ in 2014 as the result of a ‘democratic’ referendum process? Simple; we were being toyed with and agitated whilst being set-up for their main Orwellian agenda. And as such the 2014 Scottish referendum was a roadmap en route to ‘1984’…

“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

We’re about to understand why Etonian grifter David Cameron armed with his newly-formed Behavioural Insights Team aka ‘Nudge Unit’ – from where I perceive ‘The Vow’ was really devised – actually gave a green light to the 2014 Scottish independence ‘referendum’ in the first place. When as history and the decade-long onslaught via political and media gaslighting since, shows us the British State clearly never had any intention of honouring the result at all.

This is how we can know that the 2014 IndyRef was part of the ‘long game’ to seamlessly deliver four principal and predetermined objectives which as a reminder were/are;

I) 2014: Divide & Conquer – Made Ripe For A British State Engineered & A Propagandist ‘Civil War’ by Deploying Their Own Military Intelligence Assets.

II) 2015/16: Independence ‘Pied Pipers’ – for Election Infiltration & Saturation (Pending the Thwarted July 2017 ‘Op Fukuglaschu’).

III) July 2017: ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ – ‘The Original Trigger for Global Fascism’ – and ‘Warning Berlin’ via the German Federal Police & Berlin Irish Embassy on 25th June 2017.

IV) 2017 – Current Day: Maintaining the Orwellian ‘Dark Triad’ Channelling of the Scots Population – Op Yellowhammer ‘D-Notice’ Diktat (which in the absence of a nuclear footing via Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel/Iran is now being driven to part achieve objective ‘I’ and at the very minimum – provoke substantial pockets of mass civil unrest).

I wrote this piece in June 2019, two years after the original failed ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ attempt. Since when the same nuclear escalation playbook has been repeated via Ukraine, Taiwan and now via Israel’s US/UK backed genocide in Gaza to try and draw Iran into a regional war, who in turn would call on their strategic ally Russia for military support and thereby ‘justify’ western NATO ‘intervention’ to enter into WWIII.

I) 2014: Divide & Conquer – to agitate Scotland and to give the world the appearance of a country split down the middle with an ever-so-slight “silent majority” for the Union, and thereby ‘justify’ an irreversible British (& US) military presence to arbitrarily ‘police’ the civil unrest – just as they did during ‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland – which was to take place upon the original planned 2017 militarisation trigger.

“There is something wrong with a regime that requires a pyramid of corpses every fews years”. Orwell

And then do the same to specifically target and to appear to ‘split’ England in half in the 2016 Brexit ‘referendum’ via the same divide and conquer propaganda ploy fronted by the entire UK ‘left’, ‘right’ and ‘neutral’ mainstream print and broadcast media, in tandem with their online media; most notably LBC.

“A media (& political) system wants an ostensible diversity which conceals an actual uniformity”. Joseph Goebbels

You see whilst Farage/UKIP played the part of anti-Establishment ‘people’s champion’, they were in fact Tory/British Establishment projects all along. He and UKIP created the space on the far-right for the Tories to fill with their fascist policies and propaganda. Since when in order to keep the illusion of Brexit being a ‘legitimate’ democratic process, new political ‘boiler-room’ parties were formed; the Brexit Party and then Reform Party Ltd.

In playing similar ‘anti-British Establishment’ roles Humza Yousaf, ‘Wings’ Stu Campbell and Neil Hanvey MP have between them been largely responsible for engineering the pretext ‘justification’ for Tory militarisation in Scotland specifically – which will be made to spread south into England. (See my 2022 piece ‘Tory Militarisation of UK is Inevitable’).

As such both the 2014 Scots IndyRef and the 2016 Brexit referenda were propaganda ‘staging posts’ designed to agitate and set-up the entire UK population for what was to follow during ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ in Glasgow during July 2017.

Orwellian ‘Pied Pipers’ George Galloway and Nigel Farage sharing a Brexit platform. Since when – again as a reactive ploy – Galloway now leads another political front for the British Establishment: ‘The Workers Party of Britain’ – which Craig Murray – the Scottish independence movement’s very own contemporary Daniel Defoe – has now joined as their candidate for Blackburn in England, making a sharp exit from Scotland before the shit hits the fan.

II) 2015/16: Pied Piper Infiltration/Saturation – given the onslaught of the Machiavellian propaganda war waged against Scotland in 2014, as an entirely predictable emotional-behavioural response and naively believing we could still pursue independence through the ballot box (utterly fucking laughable in hindsight!) in 2015 Scots voted in droves to support the SNP in both the Westminster General Election and a year later in Scotland’s 2016 Holyrood Parliament Elections.

However the unwitting Scots population and specifically the independence movement were played like a fiddle; because the overwhelming majority of the SNP candidates – and our leading online Indy activists – were British State ‘Pied Piper’ plants parachuted in from the outset.

These were people in whom we’d emotionally invested our hopes and trust to such a degree, many are still unable or just unwilling to process that these leading Indy voices have between them, been deliberately destabilising and trying to demoralise the independence movement.

Think about this; it’s claimed Nicola Sturgeon joined the SNP 38 years ago in 1986. If you’ve already acknowledged that she’s a plant – which she is – yet still blindly revere ‘Wings Over Scotland’ Stuart Campbell who just happened to ‘fall into the lap’ of the independence movement in 2012/13 from his ‘home’ in the Roman City of Bath – you’re not thinking consistently.

“When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men”. Manly Hall

All that’s happening is that ‘Wings’s Campbell is telling you exactly what you already believe or want to believe, which is precisely what Sturgeon does too with her support base. Whereas the realpolitik is that they are simply two different Wings of the same imperial bird playing all of us.

And so it all gone to plan these “history’s actors” were ready and in position to ‘validate’ the British and US intelligence sources and with the story already publicly pre-planted into the sub/consciousness via the media (below) the SNP would ‘confirm’ the ‘WannaCry cyberattack’ blaming Iran. And in doing so lead the Scots population by the nose to send us into oblivion.

At the time of my tweet response above to Stewart McDonald MP in June 2020, the SNP’s Defence Spokesman at Westminster and member of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, I still hadn’t processed that he was complicit – despite having been at an SNP CND meeting in Glasgow in October 2017…

….when I personally told McDonald that Brexit and Trump were the same coup and that they needed a war to militarise it via Scotland.

I also told him that I’d warned the German Federal Police and the Berlin Irish Embassy because I could see that both the US Trump Presidency – now continued by Biden – and UK Brexit were the same global fascist coup attempt for which the UK public was being ‘psychologically softened-up’ for the trigger by the Orwellian British media.

And when you process this piece – when you understand just how devious and indeed evil many of our global ‘liberal’ politicians are – then you can begin to understand that with the SNP’s new First Minister Nicola Sturgeon – continued by Humza Yousaf – the SNP’s Westminster Group Leader Ian Blackford – continued by Steven Flynn – and the then SNP Defence Spokesman Stewart McDonald, along with the raft of 2015 GE installed SNP MP’s saturating our political ‘reality’ – were all in position to ‘validate’ the US/UK ‘intelligence’ story for the move towards war that would have been as seamless as ever.

And far more so than the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003. Why? Because when we let people own our emotions they can own our reality. And there must fewer things more insane than handing over your reality by emotionally investing into delusional ‘para-social relationship’ with a stranger(s) you think you know simply because you’ve interacted with their public persona.

“He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

Adored by the majority of the Scottish independence movement, Nicola Sturgeon bizarrely describes herself as “chief corporate parent” or as she prefers to be known; “Chief Mammy”. However it’s not until you understand that covert narcissists (such as Tony Blair before he was exposed) have an addiction to taking risks and often do so by waving their power, knowledge and agendas in the faces of their unwitting victims. This is why “Chief Mammy” is a dark Orwellian wordplay on “Big Brother” and as such, is a barely disguised display of contempt for her supporters expressed through cryptic symbolism. Nicola Sturgeon, through this outlandish and ‘inexplicable’ statement is in fact telling us she is in ‘The Party’.

Plus, we would have fallen for It hook, line and sinker because were all being drip-fed the same ‘intelligence’ story by the UK corporate media beforehand.

III) July 2017: ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ – ‘The Original Trigger for Global Fascism’ – and ‘Warning Berlin’ via the German Federal Police & Berlin Irish Embassy on 25th June 2017.

As previously alluded, we were being spoon-fed a soap that was preparing us to anticipate the potential of a ‘cyberattack’ on a Trident submarine as being every bit as likely to occur as not – via a psychological softening-up process. And in the emotional carnage and in our individual and collective ‘State’ of hindsight bias after the ‘attack’ – validated by the SNP in Scotland, England and to the wider world – we’d have convinced ourselves we should have seen it coming.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities will make you commit atrocities”. Voltaire

You see It was originally to have been militarised by blaming oil-rich Iran for the 2016/17 ‘WannaCry’ cyberattacks on the NHS and Westminster to enter the UK into a contemporary ‘July Crisis’…

…that had simultaneously long-been “manufacturing consent” (Chomsky) for a ‘proportionate response’ against Tehran…

…as the result of a media stage managed ‘sinking’ of a Trident nuclear submarine in Glasgow’s Clyde estuary where the UK had presciently sited its at-sea nuclear fleet at RNAS Faslane.

As such, oil and natural resources rich Scotland was and still is intended to be the target epicentre with subsequent US/UK-led attempts still underway and being desperately pursued via Ukraine, Taiwan and now via Israel’s genocide in oil and gas rich Gaza.

This is to try and draw Iran into a regional war which would see Tehran call on their strategic ally Russia for military support, in order to pretext ‘justify’ putting the entire global west on a nuclear footing via Glasgow.

And of course being media fronted explains why the entire political west are all in fascist lockstep to play down Israel’s Gaza genocide – with the exception of those keeping up appearances – and are maintaining their ongoing support for CIA puppet Zelenskyy and Ukraine in order they can manufacture consent from western populations to get NATO into an unending global war with Russia (&/or China) that the ‘Five Eyes’ and EU leadership cartel so desperately need.

It’ll be an Orwellian war which of course will require a cannon fodder conveyor belt of young men to fight it and who driven by normalised poverty replicating the socioeconomic effects of the Versailles Treaty in post-WWI Germany and the 1929 US Great Depression through Tory austerity policies, are designed to engineer individual and collective deprivation of dignity and induce a mass depression specifically within the male population…

“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. In the long run, hierarchical society was only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

…who swept up in the all-enveloping social engineering campaigns of self-righteous, pseudo-religious ‘moralistic’ and vengefully preemptive ‘patriotism’…

…are also as a third historically precedented military recruitment driver, being mass emasculated, demonised and dehumanised in preparation to be guilt-shame channelled into a ‘heroic’, glorified and indeed immortalised military uniform i.e. a combination of ‘push and pull’ policies and propaganda – to create a nation of #PavlovsPatriots.

And so all of this is why in 2017 I didn’t just write the book – I also as the short video earlier in this piece alludes to – flew to Berlin on the 23rd June to warn them, which was the same day as the staged ‘cyberattack’ on Westminster (screenshot above). And so in executing my plan late afternoon and into the night of the 25th June – I successfully warned five different agencies.

“Perhaps a lunatic was a minority of one”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

Understandably they thought I was a madman and I was arrested, hand-cuffed and committed into the psychiatric ward of the Berlin Charité Hospital for my trouble. The detail of which is in ‘Warning Berlin 2017: The ‘Missing’ German Federal & Irish Embassy Recordings’ (2023);

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident”. Schopenhauer

Now, with the original ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ plan having been thwarted the preset global propaganda plan has still – by and large – continued regardless with little more than a ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ approach, whilst they simultaneously pursue their now delayed nuclear escalation trigger – having been catastrophically interrupted in Berlin.

As such in UK the political and media Establishment subsequently reframed the ‘Brexit negotiations’ narrative and continued to pursue their actual Brexit ‘exit’ via their “No deal is better than a bad deal” and “Hard Brexit” tropes, since when they’ve been scrambling for an external foreign ‘enemy’ to blame and to mask the inevitable militarisation as a direct consequence of effectively slamming the brakes on trade from Europe; particularly food and medicines.

And so having failed to get their war on multiple occasions – there’s only one more ‘enemy’ left to blame; the UK working masses – beginning with Scotland.

‘The ‘Flatscreen Universe’: Scotland’s Cytokine Storm’ (2021)

During writing the book in 2016/17 I understood that the social media platforms were rigged through the use of algorithms, bots and GCHQ run accounts, against any threats to the established hierarchical systems. In the above ‘Cytokine Storm’ piece I acknowledged that the independence movement were falling for this and yet whilst I had suspicions of SNP politicians and Indy activist complicity, I was still unable to fully overcome my own biases to acknowledge that not only were the platforms rigged – most of the leading Indy voices were in on it too.

“Original minds are not distinguished by being the first to see a new thing, but instead seeing the old, familiar thing that is overlooked as something new”. Friedrich Nietzsche

IV) 2017 – Current Day: Maintaining the Orwellian ‘Dark Triad’ Channelling of the Scots Population Against The Backdrop of the Global Western ‘RAMPANT SEXISM’ Propaganda Construct (which in Scotland, in the absence of a nuclear footing via Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel/Iran is now being driven to part achieve objective ‘I’ and at the very minimum – provoke substantial pockets of mass civil unrest to nullify the popular threat to the ‘United’ Kingdom – which will then concentrate on England…)

Hopefully by now you’re beginning to see the biblical scale of the lie that’s still trying to take us into WWIII and as such correlate that same global scale of ambition – in direct proportion with the divisive ‘RAMPANT SEXISM’ identity-politics propaganda effort to destabilise the family, fracture communities and social cohesion and thereby divide global western domestic populations, in preparation to efficiently put them back down after being agitated to “Rise up!”

Understand this; the Orwellian Party cartel are in total disarray and panicked. As such they have in all effect retrospectively issued a ‘D-Notice’ type diktat on the ‘Operation Yellowhammer’, six years after they ‘inadvertently’ revealed it in an attempt to normalise the prospect of Brexit militarisation.

As such this ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ lie by wholesale omission of a national conversation – has been maintained since by the entire UK-corporate online/broadcast media including BBC, ITN, Sky ‘News’, LBC, GB ‘News’, Talk TV, the various daytime TV agitprop programs such as Jeremy Kyle, Loose Women etc, as well as their print media; The Sun, The Mirror, The Times, Observer and Guardian etc, and so it has too in Scotland specifically by the supposedly independence supporting National newspaper and by the SNP, the Alba Party, Wings Over Scotland and Craig Murray.

Other lesser Scots bloggers, podcasters and political activists have also been complicit. However this might be due to fragile egos protecting personal interests i.e. income streams and ‘reputations’ – with an eye on a lucrative political career should Scotland survive this onslaught.

“In this country, intellectual cowardice is the worst enemy a writer or journalist has to face”. Orwell

‘21st Century Suffragettes: A ‘White Feather Brigade’ Propaganda Playbook’ (2021)

Regardless, all of the higher profile players in Scotland and England have by propaganda omission also hidden the ‘RAMPANT SEXISM’ lie and which if they were to be successful in their militarisation efforts, would be rolled out across other long-infiltrated, so-called ‘democratic socialist’ countries such as Wales, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand whose ‘young leaders’ and Oppositions are all in the back pockets of globalist elites.

Instead the SNP, Wings Over Scotland and Alba’s Neil Hanvey MP whose fellow Party members are now fracturing Alba to become ‘independent’ candidates, have together exacerbated and agitated the ‘RAMPANT SEXISM’ identity-politics construct.

All of which has been amplified by an impenetrable, tightly-knit group of prominent #WomenWontWheesht accounts gravitating around the @ForWomenScot agitprop account, who’ve all ensured that Scotland is to finally be delivered into ‘1984’ on April Fools Day 2024. It’s not like they don’t have a symbolic sense of humour…

“Symbolism is the language of the mysteries. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language”. Manly Hall

So with their collective Indy infiltrator efforts, this is how and why we’ve got to the purely propagandist ‘Hate Crime’ construct which has the very real potential to ‘criminalise’ swathes of ordinary people – especially women who might be perceived as having emotionally offended – aka ‘hurt the feelings’ – of trans-‘women’; a demographic who make-up a minuscule fraction of the population but which a significant proportion of whom are nothing but narcissistic, opportunistic men who can’t believe their twisted luck – having being empowered by an orchestrated propaganda campaign designed to pave the way for precisely this totalitarian legislation.

It goes back a long way, right back to the unscientific and dogmatic ‘Duluth Model’ in the 1980’s. It’s a model which the UK’s police forces and indeed western societies at large have been inculcated, by an insidious, toxically ‘empowering’ culture which was being subtly drip-fed by the media – one which I realised on 12th September 2016 had become highly concentrated and so began tracking It alongside the parallel LGBT narrative.

I wrote about throughout the book which I released in Berlin in June 2017 – all of which later that same year in October 2017, seamlessly merged into the overt, in-your-face and inescapable tsunami of the #MeToo and #BelieveHer propaganda machine. And subsequently wrote this piece to help people understand that it is not a coincidence in this fascist epoch.

‘‘This gaslighting set-up is not only taking place through a combination of Government policies but by relentless TV ‘supra-propaganda‘ overload which is designed in part, to see the LGBT communities as a whole at the forefront of a societal backlash carried out by #MeToo demonised heterosexual men and ‘TERF’ dehumanised heterosexual women – just as identifiable minorities were set-upon, having been set-up by Nazi bloodletting Krystallnacht design upon a fascist trigger for war…

“When we can cut man from his own past, then we can cut him from his family, his children and other men. We control life. At all levels. We create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable”. Orwell ‘1984’.

…Ultimately the corporate State elite and ‘Family Courts’ cartel don’t care which children they separate from which parent, just as long as they psychologically and emotionally destabilise and induce a depression in everyone involved. However the principal aim is to tear sons away from their fathers – removing their natural male role model – by facilitating false accusations proceedings so that father’s are forced out of their children’s lives, regularly commit suicide and their broken boys specifically then yearn to find a replacement male role model in gangs, then corporate profiteering prisons, but most ideally – in the military as patriotic ‘volunteers‘. Collectively it could be described as a ‘prison-military industrial complex’. ‘Early Warning Signs of Fascism: The #MeToo (&🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️) Truth of ‘Rampant Sexism’ (2020)

You see similarly to the pre-planted ‘Op Fukuglaschu’ propaganda narratives to make the UK population perceive the WannaCry cyberattack was the work of Iran, so too the ‘truth’ of the decades-long Duluth Model ‘Matrix’ has since been indoctrinated into schools, Universities, psychiatric professions, work places etc and of course into public service organisations such as the civil service, military and police forces – who as the male dominated demographics are the lawful key to the streets and therefore the key to success for any fledgling fascist dictatorship.

This #MeToo & #BelieveHer reinforced propaganda programming was designed to instil within each individual police officer who might want to keep their career on track, with an additional ‘moral’ incentive to ‘protect’ women regardless of the evidence they observed and found at a scene where domestic violence had been reported – even when it had been reported by the man trying to stop being assaulted by his wife or girlfriend.

And so in the overwhelming majority of incidences police officers have long-been indoctrinated with an inverted ‘moral’ code and quasi-‘legal’ obligation via a sort of ‘bureaucratic lobotomy’ to immediately treat women as ‘victims’ and men – with an on-the-spot summary judgment – to be automatically assumed the guilty perpetrators.

In this way the Orwellian Party socially engineered ‘open season’ on men behind closed doors as well as in post-separation.

“There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by women. We should ingratiate ourselves into their good opinion and encourage women to stand up for themselves, causing them to work for us with zeal without knowing”. A. Weishaupt (1748 – 1830)

However to perpetuate the one-sided #MeTooMatrix myth rendering male victims invisible and to further toxically empower their violent female partners, the UK CPS during Keir Starmer’s reign as DPP and working with Women’s Aid, together buried the male-reported incidences of domestic violence perpetrated by wives and girlfriends against their husbands and boyfriends, simply by ‘absorbing’ the figures into their Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) reports.

“If you’re a man, you’re the last man. Your kind is extinct. We are the inheritors. Do you understand that you’re alone? You are outside of history. You unexist”. Orwell, ‘1984.’

They then added the male victims statistics to the female victim statistics which were then presented in their summaries and of course by the media exclusively as ‘Violence Against Women and Girls’.

Also, I haven’t written about it before but I’m currently being stalked by an ex-girlfriend who threatened to stab me on numerous occasions. She was (still is I’ve no doubt) incredibly volatile and so I had to literally escape the ‘relationship’ in late 2013 from her house in the south of England when she was away one weekend.

Then out-the-blue eight years later in July 2021 she walked straight up to me in my home town in the Scottish Highlands. A couple of days later she was still at it so I reported her immediately to the police for stalking but they said both they and I were powerless.

To this day she still walks up and down a public footpath outside my flat staring up at my window. Worse still, given the anonymous questionnaire the police took me through and given the bizarre and mandatory questions in it, I’ve every reason to suspect that in reporting her, my incident was annotated as a man stalking a woman. Seriously. As such female abusers and stalkers simultaneously exist yet ‘don’t exist’ and so are in effect ‘Schrodinger’s stalkers’.

“Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. Crimestop includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

Using these voluntary ‘bureaucratic lobotomy’ methods the State with their corporate media and ‘charities’ reheat the gaslight experienced by men behind closed doors and post-separation as I still am. This is to demoralise and dehumanise ALL men in society as part of the incessant demonisation campaign to make men more subservient to society’s women, and therefore bend men to the will of the State and who again, are the single-most important demographic to securing dictatorship.

Hence why Neil Hanvey also acting as a ‘bridge’ of sorts is redefining the social discourse that does away with independence as the priority – save his circular criticisms of the SNP in which he and Stuart Campbell excel in arguing the same Groundhog Day guff to shit-stir Scotland – to subtly channel the majority white heterosexual male and female demographics towards the right-wing of their Orwellian Party i.e. the Tories…

…who in turn representing Unionism at large – and having built a shed in Westminster (FFS!) – to feign being men and boys ‘champions’ – are going to try and sell us the narrative further down the line, that thousands of independence supporting Scotsmen have suddenly shifted their allegiances to the ‘Union’.

“It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion”. Joseph Goebbels

And it’s all the same ‘Dark Triad’ channelling construct in which The Party’s own ultra far-right Christo-fascist outriders (below) are also trying to ‘pincer’ already ignorant right-wing men who might actually buy into her Handmaiden rhetoric, whilst simultaneously directing the majority white female demographic who want to safeguard further human rights from erosion, towards the ‘rescuing’ Tory ‘champions’ as well.

It’s all bullshit theatre of course but remember – it doesn’t need to be true; they simply need to plant the narrative, reinforce it via media repetition and voila – come polling and election time (if there is one!) it’s ‘true’.

‘Tedious Twitter Twaddle’ (2017)

But the reality is the ‘Union’ in Scotland has no authentic electoral or street-level strength in any substantial numbers. However what it does have – and where its real power lies – is in its media propaganda and in its ruthless military intelligence apparatus who play on all ‘sides’.

‘A Very British State Boogeyman: The ‘MI’-RA’ (2019)

And when you have complete control over the entire construct through a ‘military-intelligence-media’ machine you can just about create and control any reality you want to, in order to fit with your agenda; as happens in domestic abuse situations.

Any reality at all; including social-engineering an unquestioning ‘sense of moral rectitude’ to ‘protect women’, whilst setting-up those same women to fail with the parallel and subsequent ‘RAMPANT SEXISM’ LBGT narrative designed to specifically split the female demographic. And to begin delegitimising women’s genuine safety concerns whilst moving towards the State manufacturing of ‘transphobia’ and ‘hate crimes’, to begin arbitrarily criminalising and imprisoning women as well as men.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Part Three: (25-30 mins) The ‘Hate Crime’ Aims – Short Term: Creating Civil Unrest To Pretext Justify Operation Yellowhammer Militarisation & Long Term: Creating Collateral Casualties – Who They Could Be & How They Might Become So

At the beginning of my last piece ‘Ending Scotland: The 2014 IndyRef Ruse & Failed US/UK Cyber ‘Ground Zero’ for WWIII’ (2024) as a demonstration of my ability to ‘translate’ dozens of intertwined policy and propaganda channelling threads and to demonstrate my accuracy in predicting their ‘push and pull’ driver effects on the human condition which are all in ‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ (©2017), I predicted that the ‘Narcisstate’ Government’s State intelligence agencies would specifically target young women for cyber recruitment. And then in 2020 they did.

Here’s a more recent development I also predicted in the book (excerpt beneath screenshot).

‘The resulting economic devastation would be felt across the whole of Narcisstate but mainly of course in The North. It’s entire main populace throughout the Central Belt would be economically devastated but the land-locked lochs could still be irrigated to carry uncontaminated water, first to North then, Mid and South, just as would uncontaminated Abbadeen and Grangegate; the already established access hubs of Narcisstate’s current spice inflows, my spice [oil] inflows.’Gaslighting Gilligan’ (©2017)

I’m telling you this because I want you to understand that I know how this unfolds moving forward…

“The trouble with fiction is that it makes too much sense. Reality never makes sense”. Aldous Huxley

The short-term aims are quite straightforward; create a constant deluge of ‘hate crime’ reporting which by themselves will be impossible to keep up with.

However by additionally stipulating that police officers are required to secretly record ALL reported incidences where no crime has actually taken place, as a ‘Non-crime hate incident’ – they can begin to hobble force efficiency and effectiveness.

This surreptitious ‘Non-crime hate incident’ recording is with an eye on the future intended to incentivise and facilitate false accusations which are designed to manufacture ‘identifiable trends’ which can be later weaponised in subsequent kangaroo court proceedings.

Men are particularly at risk here with the attempted removal his human right to a trial by jury of his peers, if accused and charged with rape or sexual assault – which if it were implemented would be made to mission creep into accusations of domestic abuse in order to lead to industrial-scale ‘convictions’ of men via trials led by corrupt judges. This would of course be hailed a ‘success’ and rolled out across England, Wales and elsewhere in the world.

And so if individual police officers engage in this illegal, Kafkaesque bureaucratic lobotomy exercise, it’ll be be akin to the scene near the end of ‘V for Vendetta’ when ‘V’ sends out millions of masks which he knows will be used in burglaries, robberies and muggings etc.

Because it’s a similar ploy to inundate Police Scotland with both spurious ‘hate crime’ complaints they can barely keep up with, never mind the everyday low-level and serious crimes that routinely occur. This is to begin to collapse the service altogether to arrive at a point which matches that which we’re led to perceive is already happening in England.

Augmented by the British/US military intelligence assets, perhaps flooding Scotland’s streets with a wave of cheap drugs into pubs and clubs etc and simultaneously carrying out muggings, random stabbings and assaults – especially against women, same-sex couples and tourists – robberies, arson and even road traffic incidents and maybe a train derailment or the odd shooting or two…

“To know your enemy, you must become your enemy”. Sun Tzu

…it won’t take long for the opportunist and career criminals to take advantage of the chaos which will reign not only in the police but in the fire service and NHS. As such front-line staff won’t stand a chance – but then that’s the whole gaslighting point.

In the same way the Tories and Labour are working together to defeat the English electorate, so too they’re working with the SNP, the Whitehall appointed Police Scotland Executive and the lingeringly loyal UK Chief of Defence Staff…

…to provide Westminster with the pretext to deploy military force to ‘support’ Police Scotland and then ‘manage’ the Scots population militarily and mass perceptions globally.

‘The Tories deliberate exacerbation by COVID19 ‘governance’ on this island (which is to be replicated around the western world) is the ideological extension of their ‘Hostile Environment’ by proxy; specifically by policy continuation of Brexit via the ‘lockdown‘ and austerity which for those who were already struggling financially and emotionally, resulting inherently in foreboding sense of despair – often leading to psychological and physical isolation – has now been further compounded and imposed as a matter of Lockdown ‘law’ (for we plebs) to collectively arrive at the normalisation of isolation which is designed to further induce mass depression and suicide; individual, collective and socioeconomic – forever – making for an infinitely malleable, State subservient population, especially the men who hold the key to the streets’. ‘The Trump-Putin-Brexit Coup: It’s All Over Bar The ‘Shouting’ (2020)

And so just as they previously engineered in Northern Ireland which they masked as an age-old sectarian conflict, it’ll be propaganda spun as Military Aid to the Civilian Police or ‘MACP’ but it will in fact be exactly what it would be called in any other deliberately engineered failed State; a coup d’etat.

A coup d’etat specifically to implement the UK Government’s own Brexit ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ plan that the SNP, the Alba Party, Wings Over Scotland and Craig Murray have all by cyclical propaganda omission – collectively ‘neglected’ to drum into the wider Indy consciousness – because they’re part of it.

(To reiterate for those who’ve skipped straight to this part; other lesser Scots bloggers, podcasters and political activists have also been complicit.

“In this country, intellectual cowardice is the worst enemy a writer or journalist has to face”. Orwell

However this might be due to fragile egos protecting personal interests i.e. income streams and ‘reputations’ – with an eye on a lucrative political career should Scotland survive this onslaught).

In the medium to longer term there’s some truly sinister aims being engineered via this ‘Hate Crime’ occultism. The trend of which (we know how Yousaf likes his ‘trends’) are not so difficult to see coming over the horizon.

A stand out aspect for me is the omission of a ‘dwelling defence’. This is deliberate.

I have to say some of what follows will sound utterly ridiculous but then after seven years of trying to alert people since warning Berlin – maybe not so much…

From the 1st April private conversations in the family home are not protected and as such Orwellian ‘crime-stop’ leading to ‘crime-think’ or ‘thought-crime’ – means domestic privacy is to be ended. Therefore free speech – or ‘old-speak’ – is not permitted in the home.

“He alone who owns the youth, gains the future”. Adolf Hitler

Having been brainwashed to turn male/female biological facts on their head and normalise “born in the wrong body” dogma by LGBT supra-propaganda via TV programming, YouTube, Tik Tok etc and especially in schools, children will seamlessly adapt ‘their’ transgender language, thoughts and therefore rewrite their ‘reality’. As such behind closed doors they will become the family’s ‘thought police’.

Immature or toxically empowered children lacking in understanding of the consequences will be encouraged to report parents who fail to adapt and engage in ‘Newspeak’. Parents especially will need to be wary of committing ‘face-crime’ – a facial expression that reveals the adult has committed a ‘thought-crime’.

Give it long enough – perhaps after another seven years of reading ‘Wings Over Scotland’s circular agitation and Op Yellowhammer ‘holding pattern’ propaganda – and there’ll be a potential Parsons in every home;

“What are you in for?” said Winston.

Thoughtcrime” said Parsons almost blubbering. “I tried my best for The Party. I never knew I had any bad stuff in my mind at all and then I started talking in my sleep”. He sank his voice, like someone who is obliged for medical reasons to utter an obscenity “‘Down with Big Brother!’ Yes I said that!”

Who denounced you?” said Winston.

“It was my little daughter,” said Parsons with a sort of doleful pride. “She listened at the keyhole. Heard what I was saying, and nipped off to the patrols the very next day. Pretty smart for a nipper of seven, eh? I don’t bear her any grudge for it. In fact I’m proud of her. It shows I brought her up in the right spirit, anyway”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

And so who are those ‘Parsons’ parents most likely to be? Answer; the very demographic Humza Yousaf tried to guilt-shame with his amateur dramatics feigning moral outrage with his puerile, “White, white and more white privilege” propaganda in the Holyrood Parliament…

…which was designed to deliberately agitate the 98% of white-Celts who’ve been indigenous to Scotland for over a thousand years; the vast majority of whom are heterosexual men and women who couldn’t give two hoots who gay folk shag as long as it’s in private with a consenting adult(s).

But we do care vehemently about narcissistic opportunist men empowered by the State who are being encouraged into intimate spaces where women and children need to feel and be safe; in swimming pools, toilets and prisons.

And of course given my personal experiences, I care deeply too about the men and boys who have already become collateral casualties of #MeToo Matrix and the #BelieveHer baloney, that has facilitated and toxically incentivised narcissistic, opportunistic women to make false accusations against their husbands and boyfriends as a ‘silver bullet’ in divorce or child custody proceedings – or simply out of revenge for having been offended in some way; such as escaping from an abusive girlfriend after she’d made repeated threats to stab.

Who knows? Perhaps that’s why my ex-girlfriend stalker has uprooted her life from the south of England to end up in this wee town. And why she keeps pacing up and down the public path opposite my flat and staring up at my window; to accuse me of stalking her!

It’s all connected. From individual to collective narcissism to arrive at fascism. We all know what it looks like but most are still beguiled by their respective political and commentariat ‘heroes’ on the political left, who are in fact Orwellian agitprop plants working with their right wing colleagues. And for most of their followers – be they Sturgeon’s or Campbell’s – they’re still too blindly devoted to acknowledge that they’ve been lied to by omission; to ‘hide’ that the Tories 2018 ‘Operation Yellowhammer’ which is about to be triggered in Scotland and to hide from you the true global Orwellian context for all this historically precedented ‘RAMPANT SEXISM’ propaganda.


“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”. George Orwell


“Writing fiction is the act of weaving a series of lies to arrive at a greater truth”. Khaled Hosseini

‘Fascism, steeped in pathological hypocrisy, superiority entitlement and inveterate victimhood, is the group-characteristic extension of narcissism and is the Machiavellian-patriotic, militarised business model extension of joint Government and corporate engineered crisis-capitalism’. ‘Characteristics Of An Individual Narcissist & A Fascist State’ (©2017)

Gaslighting Gilligan’ by Johnny McNeill; a contemporary dystopian ‘fiction’ about the intrinsic, interconnectedness of both personal & State-political domestic abuse, was released from Berlin on 25th June 2017. It is copyright ©️ but is a *free*-to-share public-service PDF download from here.

Twitter: @GasGilligan