by Johnny McNeill – unpublished author of ‘Gaslighting Gilligan‘ (© 2017 – free download – released via Berlin on 25th June 2017)

In this very revealing interview HERE, (highly recommend watching before proceeding) recorded presciently and appropriately enough in 1984, former KGB propagandist Yuri Bezmenov delivers his assessment of the Soviet/Russian ideological subversion of the US by revealing;

“A great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages”.

The stages, delivered over the course of generations are; Demoralisation, Destabilisation, Crisis & finally – Normalisation.

We should be grateful for his insight but honestly, he wasn’t ambitious enough.

Because the fact of matter is that these four stages have their contemporary-roots in the 1980’s – before the fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of Soviet Russia – and have been visited on us by our own successive ‘Special Relationship‘ governments, which in turn have been made to bleed into the former white-Colonial, Commonwealth branches of the ‘former’ British Empire; the ‘US’, Canada, Australia & New Zealand (& beyond) and who collectively in Government military-intelligence ‘Anglosphere’ community terms refer to themselves as the ‘Five Eyes. (Yes, really!)

This imperceptible, ideological AngloImperial ‘psychological-hobbling’ or infiltration by indoctrination inflicted on all five ‘countries’ (& other former British Colonies – particularly Ireland & India) has been parasitically inserted into these and other global western societies via legislation, notably (but not exclusively) Human Rights legislation that has been deliberately taken out of context. Such legislation is applied to unintended and invented-extremes (or not at all) and amplified by each respective ‘Five Eyes’ elite-estate media by omission & commission propaganda, to now be deemed by ‘sensible’, fair-minded people as ‘politically correct’ left-wing/liberal nonsense; the net-effect of which has been to drive sympathy-support for and shift the Overton Window towards the far, totalitarian, militaristic right i.e. fascism – disguising itself as ‘common sense‘.

Other significant forms psychosocial engineering legislation/policy is that associated with secret Courts Judiciary Family ‘Law’ proceedings, and as is about to become the concentrated case in UK, that related to domestic violence via the impending, UK Crown Prosecution Service, the former DPP Alison Saunders & Women’s Aid manipulated ‘Violence Against Women & Girls’ reporting legislation.

This legislation is pretext designed to ‘normalise‘ the criminalisation of men, upon a mere accusation of abuse, as is the current case in Spain.

“There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What is there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws [Misogynistic Hate Crime/Domestic Violence] that can neither be observed or enforced or objectively interpreted – and then you can create a nation of lawbreakers – and then you cash in on the guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with”. Ayn Rand, ‘Atlas Shrugged’.

However this particular State domestic violence narrative has had an extremely powerful media-partner ‘lead-in’, in order we buy into this legislation without question and to the point of even demanding it – despite the fact that in UK & Australia (& broadly across the English speaking world) men comprise a full third of overall domestic violence/abuse victims as demonstrated here and here.

But in UK (& beyond) these basic facts are buried by the BBC and Rupert Murdoch’s print and broadcast media empire via his PsyOps weaponised ‘news’ and ‘entertainment’ channels, delivered through the ‘flatscreen universe in all its forms; cinematic, TV & tablet‘ (from the book itself).

“There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women. Women therefore, should be our chief study. We should ingratiate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of standing up for themselves. It will be an immense relief to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond of restraint and will fire them the more, causing them to work for us with zeal without knowing that they do so; for they will only be indulging their own desire of personal admiration”. Adam Weishaupt – German cleric & ‘philosopher’ (1748 – 1830)

This imperceptible ‘wearing-down’ of one half of the population – men – whilst empowering the other – women – I believe, is what Bezmenov was actually alluding to; what he was warning us of and so I’m going to illustrate using empirical evidence and my #GaslightingGilligan interpretational examples – of Bezmenov’s “active measures… psychological warfare… to change the perception of reality” is in essence a real-life ‘Matrix’. Seriously.

However as I’ve come to understand, if the ideological subversion ‘Matrix’ projection works particularly effectively on we psychosocialengineered test subjects, it should result in our predictable emotional-behavioural responses being unwittingly made to turn back to those carrying out the “brainwashing” for ‘help’.

It works exactly the same way by drip-fed effect in an emotionally and psychologically abusive relationships domesticallybehind closed doors.

Welcome to gaslighting. Welcome to hell.

We have been and still are experiencing these stages. Indeed we have entered into the ‘Normalisation’ stage.

However the penultimate pivotal ‘Crisis’ stage was significantly interrupted in 2017 and which is why through sober, reasonably objective eyes and minds we can see both the corruption of the Trump Presidency and the Brexit coup d’etat being exposed for the incoherent, yet entirely connected agenda ‘lunacy‘ they are.

Instead of seamlessly transitioning from Crisis to Normalisation it’s all becoming exposed so rather reluctantly, kicking and screaming into the light despite a complicit mainstream media, with the general public preferring to sit in the shade, under a public-Pollyanna comfort-zone of a mass-cognitive dissonance umbrella to merely perceive it all as political ‘incompetence’.

It isn’t.

It’s a confused, conspiratorial (yes, I know, a dirty word amongst the ‘serious’ commentariat) US Presidency & UK Conservative Party panic at the very highest media-political levels.

Having been ‘inspired’ to monitor media output in September 2016, using Bezmenov’s four stages I’ll attempt to explain the connections between seemingly unrelated contemporary ‘Atlantic Bridged’ and UK internal events.

And I’ll set out just how the stages are being played out in the current geopolitical #TrumpRussia #BrexitCoup ergo #EUcoup climate, as we are gaslight-coerced towards #OilWarIII and this time, quite probably an insurmountable global tyranny.

A tyranny led by a new fascist-leadership, borrowing lessons from so-called Cultural Marxism, to form a new #TripartitePact of the US, UK & Russian elite – whose respective populations will be sent to war against each other as cannon-fodder, in order to not only secure and carve up Iran’s oil-wealth between them (having temporarily ‘re-annexed’ Scotland’s oil in 2014) but to maintain internal-domestic fear and therefore domestic control of respective State populations…

Stage One – Demoralisation (circa 1981)

Bezmenov states this is an orchestrated ideological subversion, sustained psychological warfare over the course of 15-20 years to inter-generationally change and manipulate the perception of reality via State institutions, principally via schools and universities.

The obvious contenders would of course be Eton/Harrow & Oxbridge in UK & Ivy League in the US, in order both students and lecturers go on to form the academic leadership backbone of corporates, police, military, courts-judiciary, governments, charities and especially most crucially – mainstream corporate media – with all subsequent so-called ‘truths‘ therefore being made immutable.

Steeped in his Cold War ‘capitalism v communism’, ‘right versus left’ and ‘country v country’ prism, Bezmenov himself couldn’t perceive that the gaslighting war was in fact the ‘1% v 99%’; an ‘undeclared’ war waged by the global elite on the global working masses.

Between these institutions they unwittingly, though some all too willingly, go on to implement this #SocialEngineering ‘pseudo-reality’ via often ‘politically correct’ perceived liberal/leftist ‘Human Rights’ Government legislation & policies, designed perpetuate as well as #Agitate the masses lifelong belief-systems and ‘supra-propaganda‘ #Segregate (signpost) minorities, with seemingly ‘indisputably’ lived phenomenological experience – ‘The Matrix’ – as the accepted, unequivocal ‘facts of life’; rather than being able to perceive these so-called ‘facts‘ for what they are; the political-ideologically driven #DarkTriad ‘drill-down’ division of society by demographics.

This is being driven through the exploitation of existing indoctrinated prejudices and by fomenting fresh fault-lines – through a sudden newfound sense of pyrrhic ’empowerment’ for women and minorities – to create at least two opposing sides of everything and anything, by old fashioned identity-politics.

Within my ‘Dark Triad Model for Fascism’ (below in Destabilisation stage) which I developed principally by monitoring UK media, is housed the destruction of the very underpinnings of the fabric of society; the community, the family unit and of course the psychological-emotional destruction of our children – especially boys – in order that that the people (upon the Crisis trigger stage) all unwittingly turn back to the gaslighting State, for their purpose, their meaning and ‘salvation’ – in the service of evil.

Further examples of demoralisation in the current climate are the perennial, regular slaying of black males by law enforcement and school/public area mass shootings in the USA which have become so frequent now, they are being made to enter in the realms of the Destabilisation stage.

In UK this stage takes one form by persistent government and media recycled Islamophobia, again mainly targeting men as Muslim ‘terrorists/paedophiles’ but also by Burka/halal and anti-immigrant xenophobia & outright racism.

On a smaller, yet heavily concentrated and sustained scale over the last week, we can see a sub-thread of media-orchestrated Demoralisation targeting Jeremy Corbyn via UK State overstated antisemitism, which in turn is designed to destabilise the Opposition.

However the most sustained and pervasive element of this Demoralisation stage that has always been made to work throughout recent history, has been almost double that of Bezmenov’s assessment.

Stretching back in time and over western-global continents ‘It’ can be pinpointed to a specific year and location; Duluth, Minnesota – 1981.

“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human”. Aldous Huxley

Interestingly and I’ve absolutely no doubt intrinsically ideologically connected, was the following year in 1982 via Reagan & Thatcher – against the backdrop of The Falklands War – another aspect of ‘prescient’ government-media propaganda trope that’s being played out and reinforced today; that of the resurrected term coined by Churchill: the ‘Special Relationship’.

The #DuluthDoctrine model is the ideological basis for the nearly 40 years lie that is #DomesticAbuse; a soap-scripted fabrication that has singularly painted men as perpetrators of domestic violence and women as victims.

A biblical-scale lie that was always intended for this moment in history for the purposes of a #FeelingsTrumpFacts #FakeGenderWar to toxically-‘empower’ women. And as part of the wider #GenderAgenda projected largely by mass media LGBT ‘supra-propaganda’ overload, is the parallel campaign to eventually disempower and divide women, whilst signposting the LGBT community as a whole to be at the forefront of the ‘Crisis’ backlash – which is to be carried out by white heterosexual men – who are themselves being guilt-shame channelled, as ‘volunteers’ into a military uniform as detailed – with embedded link evidence here.

With its low-key, yet global inter-Government, charity organisational and UN backed ‘Istanbul Convention’ giving the air of respected authority to the unscientific, ideological Duluth Doctrine, we all came to know ‘It’ as #MeToo (#TimesUp & #BelieveHer) which consciously crashed onto the perennial, subliminal psychological red-line TV soap-scripted scene in October 2017.

Bearing in mind I released the book via Berlin in June 2017 before the overt #MeToo branding, I simply referred to it as the ‘gender agenda’. And I know all this because what I’d been jolted by in September 2016, just over a year before #MeToo became a ‘thing’, was in fact the #MeTooMatrix & #TimesUpTyranny forerunner by ‘invisible’ subliminal gaslight propaganda.

And it was specifically the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire’s projection on the 12th September 2016, using the pejorative insinuation in relation to the England cricket Captain Eion Morgan, of being “pathetic”, which I believe was first touted and indeed teed-up by Piers Morgan

But wasn’t simply the word “pathetic” by itself but Derbyshire’s toxic-intonation delivery. It was as deliberate as it was deniable.

It was a subliminal, subconscious psychological warfare campaign that Bezmenov spoke of that I’d stumbled on by being sent into a ‘TV PTSD’ spin – during which I simply froze.

I froze because I’d experienced this sensation before having been gaslighted into a deep and dark depression by my abusive ex-girlfriend in 2015, unaware at all that men could possibly be domestically abused. And it was during this abusive relationship experience that I became familiar with the term ‘gaslighting‘.

But men do in fact suffer domestic abuse, currently making up a third of overall victims who have been forever hidden on a global-western scale. Which of course is reflected in the global scale of ambition to erase male victims as a vital strategy to mass emasculate, demoralise, dehumanise, dehumanise and induce a mass depression amongst men, in order to make them more susceptible to State and societal subservience.

“If you’re a man, you’re the last man. Your kind is extinct. We are the inheritors. Do you understand that you’re alone? You are outside of history. You unexist”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

Which quite probably goes some way to explaining that the Duluth Doctrine, in getting to this point, literally over the course of almost 40 years has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of men in UK and quite probably millions across the western-global Commonwealth nations by committing suicide, due to being gaslighted behind closed doors by abusive wives & girlfriends, with the gaslight-reheated by their respective State sealed within pseudo-reality by a tightly knit global communications apparatus, by a ‘#WhiteFeatherMedia’ fit for the 21st Century.

“Suddenly producing a large white feather, she jabbed it into his waistcoat. And in another tone, fierce and scornful she added:…”You coward! Why don’t you enlist?”

And whereby now, a previously unspoken ‘shameful’ epidemic which has become more socially acceptable and ‘normalised’ to discuss – mental health issues – but has itself been a gaslight-State set-up made more concentrated in the Destabilisation stage, via a certain strand and indeed brand of ‘legitimisedeconomic and financial apartheid by policy and propaganda; austerity.

And through this orchestrated, collective #HostileEnvironment agenda ‘It‘ has been made more pronounced by media to be used as mental health window dressing; as a ‘help’ initiative being associated with Monarchy and therefore with military and the Union flag, in preparation to give new (Crisis) gaslight ‘purpose‘ to economically-lost young men without the basics; without food and shelter, without prospects of a making a decent livelihood or meeting a primordial instinct to mate and have a family; in essence choked and channelled having been deprived of any Maslow’s meaning – all to ease their infinitely malleable male minds into a military uniform.

Darker still however, as if it possibly could be, fed by #MeToo, current respective western States through similar Family legislation and by Courts Judiciary, many by secret court proceedings, are quite deliberately setting out to destroy the family unit.

Ultimately the State doesn’t care which parent the child(ren) is separated from, just so long as they become protractedly traumatised, steeped in attachment issues and emotionally ‘needy’ children. However principally, the aim is to separate boys from their fathers, for which I’ll visit my rationale and explain shortly.

Stage Two – Destabilisation (circa 2008)

Bezmenov states this phase is about two to five years long but as I’ve alluded, the UK’s has been about ten years long, underpinned by The Conservative Party’s economic austerity apartheid, by creating State and personal debt and by deprivation of dignity to stifle psychological and physiological needs; all by Statedriven terrorism to induce a mass depression and which collectively drive domestic abuse.

Since the financial ‘crash’ in 2008, a key pretext aspect of UK Government propaganda has used to destroy society and asset-strip Britain’s wealth in preparation for #PatrioticPoverty handover to the US & UK ‘Corpolitique’ elite Establishment estate. Austerity has been used against the overall, principal propaganda targets – men – as part of the mass emasculation psychological warfare operation.

‘Inspired’ by my BBC ‘TV PTSD’ moment I adapted the psychology-discipline term for those who possess the three collective characteristic traits of Machiavellian, narcissism and psychopathy, to develop ‘The Dark Triad’ Model for Fascism (page 88) for ‘Gaslighting Gilligan‘ (free download). And which under the joined-up ideological umbrella of depression inducing Austerity, a patriotic British Brexit and the mass-emasculating, male demonising and dehumanising Istanbul Convention (before #MeToo remember) creates six principal combined State legislation, policy and broadcast media emotional-behavioural ‘push and pull’ drivers to;

Invalidate, Emasculate, Isolate, Agitate and Segregate the population on the individual, organisational (police, military, emergency & public services being prime examples) and regional/community levels across all demographics, leading into Bezmenov’s post-Crisis & Normalisation stages to Amalgamate this fractured #CommunityNation construct (much of it through corporatised, militarised TV charities) which upon an ‘attack’ is to ‘unite’ a manufactured ‘stoic’ patriotic #Volksgemeinschaft population against an outside ‘enemy‘; yet it will simultaneously sustain the actual policy and propaganda attacks on the individual, the organisation and across the generic group-demographics ‘hive-mind’, to foment victimhood bunkered mindsets to pit us all against each other, then of course against those ‘others’ in blood and oil-soaked desert sands.

#Invalidate (by identity-politics demographics)

#Emasculate (individual/organisational)

#Isolate (within the individual & mass hive-mind)

#Agitate (attack British/US/AUS etc nationhood & conditioned belief-systems, to seed suspicion & division)

#Segregate (signposting minorities for violence: BAME, LGBT, Muslims, gypsies, Welsh, Irish, ‘Jocks’ and Jews)

#Amalgamate (via ‘patriotic’ militarised victimhood, stoic #Volksgemeinschaft #CommunityNation martyrdom built-up over decades via corporate TV charity propaganda)

Or if my ‘Dark Triad‘ model above doesn’t make sense to you, perhaps ‘It‘ will look more familiar in its precedented manifest-form…

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in shapes of your own choosing”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

But how to make working class cannon-fodder even more uniformly malleable, to volunteer themselves and their sons to go and lose limbs and minds in those blood and oil-soaked desert sands? Well, it’s quite simple in the grand scheme of things.

You condition them, normalise them in Primary School since forever, to patriotically sing the praises of a living-deity; the very same one their parents praised too by preadolescent programming, whilst waving a 300 year old corporate-government brand-cum-flag and hero-worshipping of the military.

Then run concurrently as the mass-emasculation operation is legislatively and media subliminally well underway, a concentrated decade by a drip-fed tsunami too, of British patriotic propaganda.

In 2007, one year before the global-financial ‘crash’, we saw the start of this concentration-camp of conscious & subconscious #PatrioticProgramming. A propaganda campaign set up by ITV & The Sun to determine ‘The Greatest Living Briton’.

The usual suspects were in the running of course; celebrities like David Beckham, past and present Monarchy & Establishment figures but not as I noticed at the time, as I was still serving in the Army myself, was one Simon Weston.

This particular veteran was yet just another afterthought but was poignantly so, given that 2007 was the 25th Anniversary of the Falklands War. But of course the winner, the so-called ‘people’s choice’ was as predictably-sycophantic as night follows day; The Queen.

But 2007 was also a significant year for another emotional propaganda lead-in purpose. It was the year the Phoenix-like Help for Heroes, rose out the ashes of The Somme and Dunkirk’s previously self-restrained and dignified commemorations, to set-ablaze the patriotic public’s manipulated, Machiavellian militarised-imagination – supported by the MoD – and by politicians & celebrities like no other Forces Charity had ever received before it.

Creepingly too, the once sombre, understated and Remembrance respectful Poppy was then politicised and indeed militarised to the point shadowy online sources who’d trained a new British Army PsyOps social media Brigade, from which ‘coincidentally’ emerged a right-wing ‘Poppy Police’ and used as an unashamed recruitment tool to draw in another generation of children wearing yellow t-shirts emblazoned with ‘Future Soldier’; encouraged by their parents, patriotically riding on a manipulated tsunami-wave of mass-emotionalismWeaponised Waterfalls’ and even death and destruction delivering RAF jets, emblazoned with a Poppy.

As this concentrated-patriotism progressed (running concurrently with austerity propaganda poverty) up popped Invictus, the yellow branding & Monarch-led roots of which, are housed in corporate-media and Help for Heroes.

A #PatrioticPoverty proud society, addicted to the illusion of its global-benevolence and actual domestic-suffering, driven by the TV contagion ‘community-nation’ propaganda by ‘Tragedy-Charity Gaslight-Ceremony Cycle’, finds its State schools being surreptitiously infiltrated by corporate-military STEM interests, by gaslighting-government military recruitment initiatives such as ‘Troops to Teachers’ which again by male role-model association-conditioning, highly impressionable teenagers will beat a subliminal TV programming path to the Army.

An Army whose ground-level recruitment teams are unwittingly carrying out preadolescent subconscious-programming of children, of young teenagers, introducing them to and encouraging them to handle weaponry to be emotionally-camouflaged within the overall experience; that of supremely confident, gregarious and humorous male role models – in girl-getting military uniform.

An unforgettable, indelible impression I’ve no doubt, especially for boys without fathers, without families who can then go onto be Infantry Fusiliers and spend an entire alternate life-path thinking they are of a ‘conscious’ belief, that soldiering was always in their blood. But it wasn’t.

It was stored as a jingoistic Monarch-militaristic flag-waving ‘fact‘ in their sponge-like emotionally-experienced amygdala.

Soldiering, of course, is a far better prospect in the absence of economic opportunities, than Youth Offender Institutions or prisons but then that’s whole joined-up point; to set-up by psychological-associative ‘#DrillMusic’ recruitment, by positive-stimulus & physiological deprivation – depression – to induce a ‘volunteer’ channeling of deliberately broken boys, who are searching for meaning & purpose towards the military or gangs/prison by #PrisonMilitaryIndustrialComplex.

This was all orchestrated to lead-in to the latter four years by a serious subliminal-bombardment, under the camouflage of 1914-18 Centenary of WWI which has in turn been made to mission-creep into WWII by Churchillian & Dunkirk ‘spirit’ stoical-victimhood film propaganda and generic British cult-classic remakes.

All as part of the wider #Emotionalism4Militarism campaign (see ‘Crisis’) which has been projected by differing classical ‘proud’ & operant conditioning guises by The Dark Triad design to ‘proudly’ bring each other down domestically, before bringing other (oil-laden) foreign populations down…

Stage Three – Crisis (Spring 2017)

Bezmenov’s assessment was that six weeks “With a violent change of power, structure and economy” was enough time to bring a country to ‘crisis’. I’ve absolutely no doubt he’s correct.

However we in the UK were witness to three months of it. And it began in a haze and blaze of ‘yellow heroism’ on Westminster Bridge on the 22nd March 2017.

It was a series of so-called ‘Islamic’ Springtime terrors that ran through two of England’s principal austerity and police-depleted metropolitan cities, London and Manchester, to reach into every single living room in the western world. The message; ‘Britain’s under attack’.

Well, it was and it wasn’t.

Because this Schrodinger springtime attack wasn’t by Islamic terrorists – it was a lethal, live-fire joint media-political soap-script #PsyOps operation – by the British (& US) State.

Muslims, having already successfully been gaslighted into believing they themselves are the worlds terrorists, were set up to feed into and recycle the preconditioned biases the white population had (have) too, that equates Islam to terrorism. It doesn’t.

Muslims are to the British Establishment today, what the Jews were to Nazi Germany; the principal scapegoats. They are the contemporary propaganda patsy’s with brown skin who like The German Hun from 1912 were dehumanised and demonised by British propaganda for the lead-in to the ‘July Crisis’ of 1914. And both Muslims & Germans were demonised so, because they provide(d) the religious-cultural vehicle and Imperial-rival barrier respectively, to Middle East oil.

The truth is Islam was no more to blame for the Manchester Arena Ariana Grand Concert bombing than they were for the impossible fire, the ‘stink-pit’ funeral pyre of Grenfell Tower.

Nor were they to blame for an entirely unnecessary, toxic-laden #ToryAnalytica stink-pit policy driven 2017 snap-General Election, the whole purpose of which was for nothing more than to bring Britain’s population, principally Englands, Sky News symbolism-laced #Line18 London Metropolitan & Manchester Police demoralised cities, to boiling point.

“We’re going to take out seven countries in five years; starting with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finally finishing with IRAN” General Wesley Clark (citing a 2001 US DoD memo during this 2007 interview).

All in preparation to “rise up” just to be put back down in a brief but brutal bout of State terrorism in July 2017 that would bring the ‘country’ together and unite it against a common ‘aggressor’ enemy – Iran.

It was to be a manipulated-recreation of the 1914 ‘July Crisis’ with Iran blamed for the early 2017 global IT ‘attack’ that crashed the NHS Windows XP operating system and which was subsequently drip-fed into the public domain, the being same OS as that on the UK Trident nuclear submarine fleet.

In October 2017, I subsequently found out from a Member of Parliament Stewart McDonald MP, that they had been briefed on or shortly after the 23rd June 2017 that an IT attack which had taken place within Westminster – was carried out by none other than – you guessed it – Iran. My view is MP’s were themselves being conditioned by proximity, as with the ‘attack’ on Westminster Bridge, for a reinforced ‘believability’ and therefore Parliamentary buy-in to the subsequent ‘attack’ that was due in July.

In ‘Gaslighting Gilligan‘ I called the ‘July Crisis’ ‘attack’ #OpFukuglaschu. Though not as spectacular as 9/11, it was to have a far more irreversibly escalating effect on the geopolitical, global military stage. It was to be delivered by a “terrorist attack coordinated on our tools” that Andrew Bosworth, a Facebook VP hinted towards on the 18th June 2016.

I wasn’t aware of Bosworth’s statement until early 2018 but I learned that’s how the drip-fed effect works; the idea, the potential, is consciously &/or subconsciously propaganda planted by the corporate-political ‘Corpolitique’ media, to set-up their own ‘inevitability narrative’ by ‘plausible’ pretext in order the likelihood of ‘attack’ is subliminally perceived by the hive-mind populace, to be as at least likely to occur as not.

So that in the event of its triggering and post-carnage post-mortem, it becomes accepted by the mass cognitive dissonance population, as a normalised ‘inevitably; our cognitive biases, created by drip-fed conscious and subconscious subliminal suggestion, become ‘confirmed‘ and made all the easier to buy-into because the human condition, the ‘ego’ needs to be right and ‘It’ needs not to be ashamedly wrong.

Because what if it was wrong? What if the ego & Id could admit something was very wrong? Well then that person, that human condition would have to step outside herd and if vocal, be ignored, denied, ridiculed, vilified and threatened for bringing home a horrifying-truth befitting of Plato’s Cave.

It would be mass confirmation-bias perceived as an ‘attack’ that simply got through due to incompetence, itself a bedrock of Westminster & Whitehall corruption (Theresa May’s 114 ‘lost’ Establishment VIP paedophile files) and of course, due to that ‘one size fits all’ propaganda thread – a successful ‘terrorist attack’ made possible by austerity cut-backs. Our collective, ‘stoic victimhood’ steeped ‘revenge’ would be directed towards those least responsible and diverted away from those most ‘respected’…

However of course the 2017 July Crisis and the UK democracy’s coup de gras didn’t occur. It didn’t occur because having been triggered in September 2016 and having learned to read the UK (& US) media-political Dark Triad orchestration, I took Gaslighting Gilligan to Berlin.

Video recorded on 25th June 2018, on the first anniversary of going to Berlin and warning the German Bundes Polizei & Irish Embassy on 250617, of the inevitable #ToryAnalytica coup d’etat militarisation of Brexit and the arrival of a US/UK-led global fascism; “Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad”. Orwell, ‘1984’.

I arrived on Friday 23rd June 2017 with the intention of going to the Irish Embassy but not realising it closed over the weekend and by this time quite panicked, on the evening of Sunday 25th June 2017 I walked up to two German Police Officers who unbeknownst to me were actually on duty outside a secure Bundes Government building. I convinced them to take me inside and demanded to speak with the Irish Embassy – which I did.

As polite and understanding as the Irish Embassy was and the police were (in the main) no-one believed me of course.

However I did get my principal messages through; that Brexit was a US/UK corporate-government coup and it was to be delivered militarily by a seemingly unrelated ‘terrorist’ event by an IT “attack coordinated on our tools” – an act of self-harm on a national scale, to deliberately stage the sinking of a Trident nuclear submarine in the Clyde estuary and amidst the carnage, trigger the mass civil unrest necessary to pretext deploy the military in order to crucially militarise the Brexit coup – with unsuspecting public support,

It would be an epoch. It would end Glasgow socioeconomically, with its knock-on effect eventually resulting in a contemporary version of The Highland Clearances: a ‘Central Belt Clearances’ with INEOS patience and ‘presciently’ positioned purchase of fracking-processing infrastructure at Grangemouth refinery, finally paying off.

Therefore with the beginning of the economic end of the most densely populated part of Scotland between Glasgow & Edinburgh, so it would follow, the political end of Scotland; ergo ending Scotland.


But of course as Dark Triad deceit does bathing itself in victimhood, it would not only enable an immediate ‘no deal’ extrication from Brexit ‘negotiations’ but in all possibility, with a sympathetic partner in the EU collective, find itself making “the Free Trade Agreement should be the easiest in history of mankind” (Liam Fox) & a “Titanic success of Brexit” (Boris Johnson) as it moved toward “Empire2.0” (Liam Fox) beginning with war in Iran, which of course would ‘galvanise’, ‘unite’ or #Amalgamate the ‘Five Eyes’ Anglosphere with its men ripe for revenge and military recruitment for a global war against a common oil-laden enemy. Again.

You see, not only does the Dark Triad media have to leave a trail of crumbs towards their planned ‘inevitabilities’ by pretext narratives, the Dark Triad individuals behind the narratives, can’t help but power-play their self-appointed living-God games by gaslight-symbolism. (I won’t go into films. They’re in the book).

It’s a drug to them. They have to wave their power in front of our bovine eyes, without us even realising it. And here’s the toxic beauty of it, just as an abusive relationship behind closed doors, even if we did realise, and challenged the gaslight-symbolism, before or after the deed is done, it would be met with howls of derision, laughter and accusations of paranoia.

I mean “Titanic success”? Please. It doesn’t make historical-analogous sense. No-one, not even ‘It’s just Boris being Boris’ who in fact, far from ‘bumbling Boris’ is actually a sociopathic prick, comes up with “Titanic success”, unless they have inside knowledge of a predetermined agenda.

This symbolism is actually quite common-place, you simply have to accept that there are evil bastards out in charge of us that having nothing but contempt for us and need their fix. A bit like this sitting-duck symbolism example here.

Stage Four – Normalisation (Present day)

Despite the failure of #OpFukuglaschu, the propaganda plan has proceeded regardless.

It’s difficult to know for sure if the £1billion DUP ‘bribe’, still sitting in a Whitehall slush-fund (as I understand) was actually the going price for 10 Parliamentary seats.

I suspect that had they succeeded and jettisoned, discarded Northern Ireland by appearing to honour the Good Friday Agreement, a pyrrhic-united Ireland would find itself being dragged along by the Atlantic Bridge ‘Airstrip One’ agenda, as a purely mainland Britain military deployment to secure Scotland’s oil once and for all got underway, helped by the £1billion which was to be used to cover the costs (and backhanders) of a contemporary re-Plantation of Ulster-Scots, some of the most fervent ideological Unionists, more so than most Englishmen, not to Scotland’s bleak-future Central Belt but to metropolitan England.

There they would quickly form the backbone of contemporary uber-British militia: Brownshirts before they become a fully-fledged fascist Gestapo peering into the lives of others.

However now, unless some other apocalyptic ‘tragedy’ should befall the populous central Scotland – a Protestant Plantation could now indeed take place with INEOS skirting around them, until these ‘proud Brits’ inevitably themselves no longer serve their religious-political ideological purpose, as is the current case in Northern Ireland.

Remember, with the exception of the PlanB military deployment narratives, everything else I think, is the original plan.

Also remember, that in the shadow of a radioactive toxic-soup running through the Clyde, drifting out to the Irish Sea and with the pretext for war against Brown people, the #ToryAnalytica #HostileEnvironment policy we have come to hear of would have been greeted through mass emotionally-wrought eyes and by a population unknowingly finding its feet in fascism.

And Windrush, having been by deliberate, complicit media omission up until the ‘revelations’ a few months ago, would I suspect, have been met by swathes of an angered, normalised superiority-conditioned population steeped in racist-driven turmoil – to view ‘others‘ in a far less sympathetic light.

So why ‘expose’ Windrush now after it having gone on for so many years? Well, there are honest reporters that I assume would be asking too many awkward questions of bosses controlling print & broadcast editorial output.

And so a game of media-political ‘show and tell’ has taken place in order too, that the media can shore up its ‘integrity’ credit prior to the impending PlanB deployment for which the military and media will be key to the coup success, as Yuri Bezmenov foretold;

“The United States thinks it’s in peacetime. Wrong. It’s at war. Undeclared total war”. Bezmenov (speaking in 1984).

As are we all – in a war; we just don’t realise it. We don’t realise that the UK & US media-political plutocracy is waging undeclared war on the working classes.

But we are so easily, patriotically motivated and distracted. So much so it’s almost as if the Windrush ethnic-cleansing national scandal didn’t happen at all. A scandal that had its legislative roots in the Thatcher Government 1981 Nationality Act, the foresight purpose of which was to gaslight Afro-Caribbean into failure for planned post-2010 Tory Home Office deportations, destroying landing card documentation in the process.

Much like the largely invisible IICSA (Australia) historical child abuse inquiry regarding the British State sponsored forced separation of children from their families, who were child (sex) trafficked against their will to populate the Empire Colonies and I suspect, breed broken boys and therefore Army ‘volunteers’ in situ, up until the 1970’s.

Or like Grenfell, other than periodic reports feeding into emotionalism or offering up firefighters as sacrificial lambs, has all but disappeared. And for which again it was Thatcher who saw fit to enact legislation that would feed into the overall Crisis plan in 1986 with the scrapping of the London Building Act, touted by dark media-political power-symbolism at the time as a “bonfire of red tape”.

And of course the 10 year national scandal too of British State sponsored eugenics-euthanasia of the elderly, infirm and disabled, which barely seems as if it happened at all. Shame on us all. We only need to look to past Nazi’s to know the fate of such groups in a ‘Hostile Environment’.

“Invading Iran, taking it over and then coercing it into becoming a different sort of country would take a million men”. Admiral West, Fmr UK Royal Navy First Sea Lord

And in amongst all this carnage, other minority groups such as Muslims (obviously) or anyone with brown skin (obviously) as well non-compliant Taffs, Jocks & Jews and most certainly the LGBT demographic being set-up notably by Channel 4’s ‘supra-propaganda’ – to be at the forefront of the initial backlash, would have long tested the ‘superiority-persecution complex’ patience of the principal propaganda, #MeTooMatrix mass-emasculated, right-wing, military recruitment targets; #WorkingClassWhiteMen.

But of course this carnage environment hasn’t come to pass, which is why we can see through both the corporate-government media and political commentator protagonists, behind the attempted #BrexitCoup.

Yet these ‘Normalisations’ continue.

Just as the highly-effective, drip-fed subliminal and overt campaign to reintroduce National Service I’d been monitoring since September 2016, has as intended in many patriotic quarters, morphed to become the very idea of these people themselves, with many outright demanding it ‘to teach the yoof some pride’ etc – so too by gaslight propaganda, are we seeing the drip-fed reintroduction of the Death Penalty.

Sustained long enough and associated with ‘terrorists’ (obviously) the people will demand hanging, or some other form of capital punishment, to be brought back.

Isn’t it odd how ‘terrorism’ is so consistently used to erode the Human & Civil Rights of 99% of the population? Isn’t it even more odd how we keep falling for it? By the way the 1% of ‘terrorists’ – are “the 1%” – not Muslims.

And the 1% will use their Lord Haw-Haw’s & Lady Aufseherinnen mouthpieces to #Agitate and ‘normalise’ hanging of traitors, of “Enemies of the People” who are in fact critics of tyrannical State.

So whilst the #USUKCorpGovt attempt to muster their PlanB pretext for mainland Britain military deployment, either by the laughable false-flag(s) #Novichok supposedly carried out by Russia (I suspect that narrative, as with many of the #ToryAnalytica lies being Hansard history recorded in Parliament are just that – future history being recorded in the present for the purposes of maintaining control of future generations) or by a National Emergency of some description, even a war abroad, they need Britain’s streets before the Robert Mueller investigations in the US, come back to bite them in Britain.

In short the British Establishment need to insulate themselves from the potential of ‘defence dock’ appointments with The Hague and in order to do this they effectively have to quarantine the population; by stopping all movement & taking full control of all media, by which I mean not only their current grip on print & broadcast media but internet access.

Now, considering what the ToryAnalytica COBRA Cabinet & Backbenchers, were about to do with a WMD nuclear asset in the Clyde, and considering we’ve already experienced two WMD ‘Nerve’ agent precursor ‘narrative attacks’, I can think of no other more effective weapon in the WMD armoury to keep people in Britain and to keep the coup plotters out of The Haguewith the full and earnest cooperation of the outside world – than some sudden global ‘Patient Zero’ pretext by lead-in narrative, to be delivered by biological agent onto mainland Britain.

If I were in #ToryAnalytica’s terminal-decline shoes having committed the atrocities they already have against their own people, within the confusion of the first 48-72 hours of this ‘unforeseen’, seemingly unrelated National Emergency, of all British seaports grinding to a halt and all airport flights grounded, I’d take the opportunity to change the course of human history in order to stay out of The Hague.

The contagion needn’t murder millions in Britain, just a few (hundred?) thousand to keep the cowering population fearfully indoors, whilst media ‘updates’ by patriotic ‘coming together’ narratives, to surreptitiously deliver a significant and sustainable military foothold on the streets.

After which, in the subsequent months, perhaps years, the aristocracy having already been ‘Offshore’ during the quarantine, comforted by their fascist, disaster capitalist asset-stripped profits and tax-payer pilfered £millions & £billions, can come back to Blighty to take the plebs reigns and rewrite British State Whig & Hansard history accordingly.

I suspect it’s been done before.

And do you know what the rest of the world will do?

Fuck all.

Because like most people when faced by a bully, especially one they’d been taught to respect and revere, they’ll appease, back down and rewrite reality to take the cognitive-dissonance, social conformity, comfort-zone path of least resistance, to the point of complicit acquiescence. Because from individuals, to group demographics to populations – ergo entire countries – the gaslight-dynamic delivered by The Dark Triad, by combination of psychological manipulation and physical intimidation – applies just so appeasingly the same.

But it won’t be the British that the world is scared of, of course not. That would be as laughable then as it is now.

No, it’ll be big old bad USA, the most powerful fascist-Empire (they’re the same thing, just with different ‘patriotic’ programming & cognitive bias branding) the globe has ever seen and to whom we should all have woken up to in 2003 and whose ‘Special Relationship’ troops will already be on prison-island Britain, its long-planned 51st State and Orwell’s #AirstripOne.

And ‘coincidentally’ of course, sitting on one of the worlds biggest oil supplies, within the depths of Scottish seabed border. Obviously.

Oil that too, like Windrush ethnic-cleansing, like disability eugenics-euthanasia, like British State VIP paedophilia & Colonies child trafficking by omission ‘doesn’t exist anymore’. And like Vote Leave ‘didn’t’ break the law because the ‘trusted’ media didn’t rote-recycle it anywhere near as much as Jeremy Corbyn so-called antisemitism.

All because of a combination of too selfishly comfortable, couldn’t be arsed or too egotistically-shamed; to go online and to trust ourselves; too many, too afraid, too ashamed of ‘conspiracy-theorist’ derision.

Bezmenov knew the human condition was susceptible to imperceptible, inter-generational ideological subversion.

And Orwell was spot on with his inter-generational timing with ‘1984’; the crossover 80’s decade, when the nostalgic film & music and ‘educational’ patriotic remake-propaganda being pumped out today, would nostalgically, emotionally chime with Baby Boomer parents and their young Gen X teenagers (now themselves parents).

Both generations would be able to relate to the same 80’s pop-culture flanked by the 70’s & 90’s and relate to their stoical, inveterate victimhood identities, steeped in single-handedly saving Europe from fascism in WWII, against all the odds. All utter bullshit of course, with the Russians alone having suffered some 20 million dead.

But it worked. Because it helped blind us to a gaslight State that taught us superiority-exceptionalism and a ‘sense of fair play’, whilst it implemented incremental ‘politically correct’ legislation and work place policies in preparation for men to attack the illusionary ‘left’, as simultaneously, Family Courts judiciary legislation was ‘normalisation enactedfor the sole purpose of breaking those very same men; to break their families, to break their sons; to break society, in order society’s broken sons, serve the State as great and grateful patriotic soldiers, or police, or indeed patriotic prisoners grateful for food and a roof over their head.

In any and all events, whether lost to the streets, or a prisoner of the mind or of walls – men – cease to be a threat in any significant, cohesive numbers to the aristocratic-order of the British State.

Bezmenov, quite forgivably, given his Soviet era environment, assumed such protracted ideological subversion would come solely from Russia.

It didn’t. It came from within. I suspect the US/UK ‘Corpolitique’ and the present Russian regime, now a collective #OilOligarchy and knowing us better than we know ourselves, had already joined forces prior the fall of the Berlin Wall, on the yellow brick road towards a furtive fascist, white-supremacist #TripartitePact State set to acquire global resources, wealth & power for the leadership, whilst the cannon-fodder as ever, make the ultimate, heroic, rote-recycled sacrifice.

The post-WWII UK & US generations, conditioned by preadolescent-programmed patriotism, were in essence, ‘reset’.

Some 74 years after the working classes defeated fascist-tyranny in Europe, British aristocratic fascist-tyranny is in the process of resetting society from within – again.

We have, since forever, been State gaslighted by living-Gods for our entire childlike existences. Only our next generation of boys, as well as being core-belief conditioned, normalised to believe the State is good, they themselves are being core-belief conditioned, normalised to believe they are bad.

They are being normalised to believe their place is in prison or on a battlefield and may as Bezmenov says “last indefinitely“.

We are indeed all, ‘Bezmenov’s Babes‘.


“Writing fiction is the act of weaving a series of lies to arrive at a greater truth”. Khaled Hosseini

#NarcissistFascist characteristics

Gaslighting Gilligan – by Johnny McNeill, a contemporary, dystopian ‘fiction’ about the intrinsic, interconnectedness of personal & political domestic abuse, is free to download from here. It is copyright © 2017 but is free to share as a public service.